ID: 19853180

Chapter 4 My pencil case表格式教案

日期:2024-12-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:59次 大小:19180B 来源:二一课件通
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小学教学设计表 编号: 年级:一年级 科目: 英语 单元名称或序号 Chapter4 My pencil case 总课时 8 教学时间 11月1日-11月14日 单元教学内容 Vocabulary & Key Structures (Parts A & B) ·to introduce the vocabulary (stationery; colours) and key structures (using personal pronouns and the simple present tense to talk about people's things) by making use of a context Learn to Read (Parts C & D) to reinforce the vocabulary and key structures with a story to develop pupils' reading skills Phonics ·to teach letter-sound relationship - vowel sound:e(pen) Pre-task Activity(Part E) ·to introduce the integrated skills and structures so as to prepare pupils for doing the Task: to enable pupils to talk about the things in their pencil cases, with the help of their drawn pictures and by using the vocabulary and key and integrated structures learnt in the chapter Language Fun (Part F) ·to enhance learning with fun 单元学情分析 This chapter is talking about the stationery and colours. The vocabulary of stationery are a little difficult for them to read and master, especially pencil case, eraser and sharpener. So we should practise more. And the key structures of using personal pronouns and the simple present tense to talk about people's things are difficult for them to understand. So we should spend more time on these usage. 单元学习目标 Use personal pronouns as subjects to identify objects. E.g. It is red. They are pink. 2. Use the simple present tense to express simple truths. 3. Use adjectives to describe objects. 4. Use nouns to identify objects* 5. Use singular forms of countable nouns to refer to one object* E.g. I have a sharpener. I have an eraser. 6. Use plural forms of countable nouns to refer to more than one object* E.g. Mary has two rulers. 7. Use indefinite articles to refer to an object in general* 8. Use adjectives to show quantities* 9. Use the simple present tense to talk about present states* E.g. I have a sharpener. Mary has two rulers. 10. Use connectives to add information* E.g. He has two green and yellow rulers. 11. Use possessive adjectives to show possession* E.g. This is your bag. 12. Use general determiners to show quantities. E.g. He has no sharpener. 13. Use formulaic expressions to decline invitations. E.g. Sorry, I can’t. 14. Use demonstrative pronouns to refer to things. E.g. This is Beeno’s pencil. 15. Use formulaic expressions to express encouragement. E.g. Well done. 课时学习目标 To reinforce the vocabulary and the key structure with a story. Words: bag play sorry bye Bye-bye see you can’t isn’t Sentences: This is my pencil case. I have an eraser. It is pink. This is Tom’s pencil case. He has three erasers. They are yellow. 重点及解决 The pupils can read the vocabulary and key structures with a story. 难点及解决 The pupils can read the vocabulary and key structures with a story. 教学活动设计 任务 学生活动 老师组织 活动意图 预计用时 1.导入 1. Enjoy the song after the video. 2. Use I have.... It is/ They are... to answer the que ... ...

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