ID: 19853790


日期:2024-12-27 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:21次 大小:31257B 来源:二一课件通
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T8第2次联考试卷学习单 2024年4月9日星期二 作文范文 An Unforgettable Activity in High School My high school has witnessed many colorful activities in the past 3 years,among which the coming-of-age ceremony is especially unforgettable. Present at the ceremony were all we students from Grade 3,along with our parents and teachers. It kicked off with an inspiring speech delivered by our president,which conveyed congratulations and anticipations about our future. Then came a series of activities,ranging from expressing gratitude to our parents and teachers to making a promise of being responsible for the adulthood. The highlight was when we walked through the coming-of-age gate. The ceremony will be rooted in my mind as a reminder that I should shoulder my responsibility as an adult. When it comes to the most unforgettable activities in my high school, a diverse set of meaningful and interesting activities comes flooding into my mind, among which the 100-day oath is on the top of my list. The event began with a warm-up video recording of our wonderful memories at school, including listening attentively in class, discussing problems with classmates after class, and participating in school activities together. This was followed by inspiring speeches delivered by our president, encouraging us to make the most of our remaining time in high school and to cherish the memories we had created together. What was the most memorable part was that each senior student were required to make an oath, promising to work hard, support each other, and uphold the values of our school. As I stood on the stage, surrounded by my classmates and teachers, I felt a sense of pride and responsibility wash over me. All in all, it will always hold a special place in my heart. Several minutes passed, but no help came. The air-conditioning had died out, and the lift became really stuffy(闷热的). We were sweating buckets. We tried to ring the emergency alarm again. Every second that passed was painful.“Help!!!”I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying to get someone' s attention. A wave of despair washed over me. I felt like we would never make it. In one last effort,I tried banging on the doors. The next few minutes felt like hours as we waited in complete silence. Bang! My hopes were lifted when I heard the firefighters on the other side of the lift door. Help was finally here! The brave firefighters hit the doors open using their tools. It felt like a hundred pound weight was lifted off me, and Mrs Lim thanked the heavens that someone had come to our rescue. I made a sigh of relief when the doors were finally opened and all this drama was over. The firefighters praised me for helping Mrs Lim. I returned their praise with gratitude and Mrs Lim thanked me and even gave me a hug. Several minutes passed, but no help came. Despite my mounting fear, I gathered my composure and had a shot at the emergency phone, praying someone would pick up. Unfortunately, after my several attemp ... ...

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