
津译林版(2020)选择性必修3Unit 1 Section Ⅲ Grammar and usage 课件(共38张PPT+学案)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:57次 大小:238902Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) UNIT 1 Wish you were here Section Ⅲ Grammar and usage 1.通过对教材的理解,了解语言点的基本用法。(语言能力) 2.通过导学案的套用,以练促学,巩固内化所学语言点, 并学以致用。(学习能力) 3.通过对教材的理解,掌握非限制性定语从句的用法。(语言能力) 核心单词 知识点1 accommodation n.住处;膳宿;和解;调解;空间 *accommodate v.适应(新情况);容纳;向(某人)提供住宿 (P6)The prices of tourist essentials such as transport, accommodation and food usually increase too, which brings even more wealth to the surrounding community. 旅游必需品如交通、住宿和食物的价格通常也会上涨,这给周边社区带来了更多的财富。 知识拓展 reach an accommodation 达成和解;找到折中办法 have accommodation for+人数 可以容纳……人 provide accommodation for 为……提供住宿 accommodate to 适应 经典佳句 Travelling students found accommodation at moderate terms there. 旅游的学生们在那里找到了条件适中的住处。 Some animal and plant species can't accommodate to the rapidly changing conditions. 一些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。 融会应用 单句写作 (1)Her eyes took a while to _____. 过了一会儿,她的眼睛才适应了黑暗。 accommodate to the darkness (2)We can _____six people at a push. 我们勉强可以安排六个人住宿。 provide accommodation for (3)If labor and management _____,there will be a strike. 如果劳资双方达不成和解,就会发生罢工。 don't reach an accommodation 知识点2 harmony n.融洽;和睦;和谐 *harmonious adj.和谐的;协调的;和睦的 (P6)More nature-centred tourist attractions, where man and nature live in harmony... 更多以自然风光为主,人与自然和睦相处的旅游景点…… 知识拓展 in harmony with sb/sth 与……协调;与……一致 out of harmony with sb/sth 与……不协调 live in harmony with... 与……和睦相处 经典佳句 Social harmony is very important to us. Only if people live in harmony with each other can we have a harmonious society. It is also very important to be in harmony with nature. If we are out of harmony with nature, it will punish us in turn. 社会和谐对我们非常重要。只有人们彼此和谐共处,我们才能拥有一个和谐的社会。与自然和谐相处也同样重要。如果我们与自然不和谐,反过来自然就会惩罚我们。 融会应用 单句填空 (1)In addition, every student can be ___harmony with foreign friends, which makes it easy for you to get along with them. in (2)When children grow up, their ideas will be out of harmony _____their parents. with (3)Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we devote ourselves to building a _____(harmony) society. harmonious 知识点3 sustain v.使保持;使稳定持续;维持 *sustainable adj.不破坏生态平衡的;可持续的 (P6)As resources are used more rapidly than they can be sustained, wildlife habitats are likely to suffer, which could endanger the local plants and animals. 由于资源的使用速度快于其可持续发展的速度,野生动物的栖息地很可能受到损害,这会危及当地的动植物。 知识拓展 sustainable economic growth 经济的可持续增长 sustainable development 可持续发展 熟词生义 sustain vt.遭受;蒙受;经受 How did she su ... ...

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