
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修3Unit 2 Out of this world Extended reading & Project 课件(共62张PPT+学案)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:415163Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 2 Section Ⅴ Extended reading & Project & Assessment 【学习目标】 1.通过分析课文结构,了解文本大意,培养略读和查读等阅读能力。(语言能力, 学习能力) 2.通过分析课文细节,培养分析长难句的能力。(学习能力) 3.通过对教材的理解,了解重要语言点的基本用法。(语言能力) 【自主预习】 Step 1 单词认读 1.launch a    发射火箭 2.     in 在……的投资 3.    waste 核废料 4.    the earth 绕地球运行 5.a strong     强烈的动机 6.the     of the world 世界的起源 7.on the     在边境上 8.word     词汇出现率 9.     the volume计算容积 10.classic     经典故事 答案 1.rocket 2.investment 3.nuclear 4.orbit 5.motive 6.origin 7.frontier 8.frequency 9.calculate 10.tale Step 2 短语记诵 1.        弄清……的意义 2.        太阳系 3.        生活质量 4.        渴望做某事 5.        远古传说 6.be fascinated by        7.remain curious about         8.vast mountain ranges        9.career opportunities        10.shape one's life        答案 1.make sense of 2.solar system 3.quality of lives 4.desire to do sth 5.ancient tales 6.着迷于 7.对……保持好奇 8.广阔的山脉 9.就业机会 10.影响……的生活 Step 3 佳句赏析 1.Some people believe that while space exploration expands our understanding of the universe, it is a waste of the public purse and does nothing to enhance the quality of our lives here on the Earth.(while引导让步状语从句) 翻译 有些人认为,虽然太空探索扩大了我们对宇宙的了解,但它是对公共资金的浪费,对提高我们在地球上的生活质量没有任何帮助。 仿写                            , the potential market is large. 尽管这种增长的数量相对来说很小,但是潜在的市场是巨大的。 2.With each space mission comes greater insight, thus motivating us to continue along the same path of adventure.(完全倒装) 翻译 每一次太空任务都会带来更深刻的认识,从而激励我们继续沿着同样的冒险之路前进。 仿写                        the close association of age and stage. 随着这种变化,年龄和阶段的紧密联系即将结束。 答案 1.While the numbers of such developments are relatively small 2.With this variety will come the end of 【合作探究】 语篇研读 细读课文,明确教材细节 Choose the best answers according to the passage on Pages 25-26. 1.Why do humans continue to explore space A.Because we need more space to exist. B.Because it is in our nature to explore. C.Because it can enhance the quality of our life. D.Because Stephen Hawking inspired us to explore. 2.Which is NOT the benefit of investment in space exploration A.To provide inspiration for the next generation. B.To bring great economic value. C.To provide more jobs. D.To receive more media coverage. 答案 1~2 BD 新知探究 核 心 单 词 知识点1 origin n.起源;起因;出身 *original adj.起初的;原先的;原作的 *originate vt.发明;创立 vi.发源;起源 (P25)The results of these space investigations have made major contributions to an understanding of the origin, evolution, and likely future of the universe, such as planets, stars, ... ...

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