

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:22次 大小:1024622Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(4.A.last night B.last weekend C.tomorrow D.last Sunday 2024年上半年六年级英语积累练习二(教材P12一21) )5.A.Monday B.week C.Sunday D.Saturday 听力部分 五、读一读,根据图片用单词的适当形式补全句仔⑩分】 一、听录音,选择听到的句子。(5分) ( )1.A.What do you do on the weakend 拟 B.What did you do last weekond )2.A.Did you go to the park 图 图2 图3 图4 图5 B.Did you go to school 1.-What did you do yesterday ( )3.A.I visited my grandparents yesterday,. yesterday. B.I visited my grandparents the day beforeesterday 图2.John last night. ··! i )4.A.Wu Binbin played football yesterday. 图3.Chen Jie last week. B.Wu Binbin cleaned his room yesterday. )5.A.She went hiking last weekend. 图4.The boy was ill.He all day. B.They went hiking last weekend. 、 图5.Last weekend I 二、听录音,选择正确的答语。(5分) 六、单项选择(20分)】 ( )1.A.Yes,he does. B.Yes,he aid. 1. did you do last night -I played football. (J2.A.Yes.lam. B.No,Idon· A.What B.Where C.How (B3.A.I wentthere byplane. B.I went to the Great Wall. My pencil is longer than. )4.A.She's going to sw:mi B.Sne swamnrr the pool. A.you C.her ( )5A.Yes,I did. B.Yes,I am. ( )3.Lili usually her homework after supper. 笔试都 A.does B.do C.did 三、判断语音,发音相同的打“,不同的打“×”(5分) )4. you football with your friends -Yes,I did. (,l.A bread B.green .()2.A.sha B.fish A.Do;played B.Did;played C.Did;play ( )3.A.cqw B.how ()4.A.washed B.stayed )5.How are you I'm 40 kg. 殿 C.many ( )5.A.:. B.father A.much B.heavy a new schoolbag. 四、找出不同类的单词,将标号填入括号里。(5分】 )6.Mike wants C.to buy ( )1.A.washed A.to buying B.played .B.buy C.watohes D.cleaned ( )2.A.h B.sw C.slept D.ckan ( )7.-What _you do yesterday -I cleaned my room. D.old A.do B.are C.did )3.A.how B.what C.which. 第1页《共4九 六年级英语 第2页(共4页)

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