

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:76次 大小:2416107Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024 3.-Did you go to Turpan 3.I want to buy some fruit my grandparents. -Yes,we did.We there. 4.Yesterday I watched TV my parents at home. 4.-Where did you go 5.I went to Sanya train. 时间:60分钟满分:100分 -I went to E单项选择。(5分) 班级 姓名: 5.-What did you do in Hainan ()1,Sam with friends on the grass last night. -I went swimming and A.went fishing B.went camping Listening Part(40分) 四听录音,根据所听到的对话内容在表格对应位置打 C.went swimming 音,给下列图片排序。(10分) )2.-That animal a mule! “/"。(10分) ※ -No,it's a horse. A.looks at B.looks like C.looks for ( r )3.The grapes in Turpan won't be ready 音,给你所听到的句子选择正确的答语。(10分) Bob August. A.of B.on C.till A.I went to the countryside. Lucy )4.He fell the horse and his foot. B.I had a good time. Ben A.from;hurts B.off;hurts C.off;hurt C.I like my summer holiday. Writing Part(60分) )5. did you yesterday A.】often go fishing. B.I went fishing. -I went to the science museum. C.I like fishing. 国根据图片及首字母提示写出单词,补全句子。(5分)》 A.What;go B.Where;went C.Where;go A.Yes,I was.B.No,I don't.C.Yes,I did. 四给下列句子选择正确的图片。(行分) A.I went there last Monday. ()1.I went swimming with my friends last Sunday. B.I went there by train. ( )2.My sister played ping-pong with her friends last 1题图 2题图 3题图 4题图 5题图 C.I like going there by bus. weekend. 1.They went c last weekend. A.I went to the beach with my sister. ( )3.I took lots of pictures yesterday 2.They b some food last Sunday. B.I went there on a sunny day. r )4.We ate some fresh food in the restaurant last night. 3.1t many pictures in the park last weekend. C.I went to the beach by bike. )5.Our parents took us to the park last week. 4.His brother went f in the afternoon. 音,根据所听内容写短文,补全下列对话。(10分) 5.Linda r a bike to school yesterday. w was your last summer holiday 因选词填空,不可重复使用。(5分) vas good.I in a forest and me fresh food there for by from with to at happened 1.My uncle came back Harbin last week. il off my bike and 2.It's time get up.

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