
Unit 10 I'd like some noodles.过关检测 山东省济南专版 2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册(无答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:400476Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Day1. 单元学习导航: Day1-1. 生词扎根 默写下列词汇: 1. 面条 2. 羊肉 3. 牛肉 4. 土豆 5. 大号的 6. 特价品;特别的 7. 大小;尺码 8. 碗 9. 愿意;喜欢 10. 肉 11. 还;仍然 12. 点菜 13. 卷心菜 14. 豆腐 15.一大碗 Day1-2. 生词开花 1. lke用法 a. v.喜欢 喜欢做某事 b. prep.像 be like____ look like____ sound like-_____feel like_____ c.would like _____ I would like some noodles. _____ I would like to go shopping _____ I would like you to go shopping with me. 2.写出常见的食物名称。 蔬菜:_____ 水果:_____ 肉类:_____ 可数名词:_____不可数名词:_____ 辨析some/any用法区别 Day1-3. 生词结果 翻译背诵下列语句 1. 你想要什么类的面条?我想要牛肉面。 2. 你想要多大号的? 我想要一大碗的。 3. 你想要一个打碗的吗? 4. 在西红柿鸡蛋汤里有肉吗?没,没有 Day1-4. 语篇提升-阅读 Do you enjoy eating hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries and chips Do you like soft drinks, candy and fried ice cream If your answers are “yes”, please take care(小心). They are junk food(垃圾食品)! What is junk food Junk food has lots of fat, salt and sugar(脂肪、盐和糖), but few nutrients(营养物质). Most scientists(科学家) say junk food is unhealthy. Junk food has been popular in the world for many years. Why Firstly, it is cheap to make. Secondly, it is quick and easy for people to eat. Thirdly, most junk food has food additives(添加剂). So it looks and tastes better. People can keep it for a long time. Junk food is bad for health. Eating much junk food may bring some health problems It's OK to have junk food now and then(偶尔). How often should you have it If you are too heavy, you should eat little junk food. If you are not overweight,you can have some after you have enough milk, fruit, vegetables and bread. 1.What do scientists think of junk food A.Delicious.    B.Unhealthy.    C.Cheap.    D.Heavy. 2. Food additives can make food _____. ①cheap to make ②quick and easy to eat ③look and taste good ④easy to keep A.①②    B.①④    C.③④     D.②③ 3. The underlined word “overweight” means “_____”. A.超重的    B.超常的     C.超值的    D.超标的 4. Which of the following is NOT good for our health A.Milk.      B.Fruit. C.Vegetables.  D.Ice cream. 5. What is the best title for this passage A.How to Be Healthy      B.Junk Food C.Food Additives      D.Should We Eat Junk Food Day2. 完型填空 Lucy likes shopping, but she is careless(粗心的). She often leaves some of 1 things in shops. One day, Lucy’s 2 for supper. “What kinds of dumplings do you want 3 , Lucy With carrots 4 cabbages ” she asks. “I 5 dumplings with cabbages, Mom” Lucy answers. “OK! Go and 6 some cabbages and mutton, please,” her mother says and 7 Lucy 40 yuan. “OK, Mom,” answers Lucy. Then she 8 to the supermarket with the money. There are many things in the supermarket. Lucy buys some cabbages 9 mutton. They are 32 yuan. She pays 40 yuan and then 10 . Lucy’s mother is 11 to see her take all the food back home. “Great, Lucy! You don’t forget anything this time, ... ...

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