
人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级下册 Unit 4 Don't eat in class. 作文辅导

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:81次 大小:19485Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Don't eat in class作文辅导 本单元话题是“规章制度”,命题人围绕各种规章制度展开话题,要求学生用英语表达学校或者家庭的规章制度,并表达自己对这些制度的看法。写作时常用祈使司,要注意析使句以动词原形开头,以及祈使句的否定结构。 一、词汇/短语积累 1.保持安静keep quiet 2. 在课上in class 3.下课后after class 4.上课迟到be late for class 5.准时,按时on time 6.听音乐listen to music 7.穿校服uniform 8.外出go out 9.遵守规则follow the rules 10.做作业do one's homework 11.熬夜stay up12.和某人打架fight with sb13.铺床make one's bed 14.清洗餐具do the dishes15.早起get up early 16.就寝go to bed17.读书read a book 18.看电视watch TV 二、句式积累 第一段:开篇点题,引出话题 I am writing to tell you about some of our school rules or my family rules.我写这封信的目的想告诉你我们的一些校规和我的家规。 Rules play an important role in the whole society(社会). I also need to follow lots of rules in my family. 规则在整个社会中起着重要的作用。在家里,我也需要遵守很多规则。 As a middle school student, I have many rules at home. I will tell you some of them. 作为一名中学生,我在家里要遵守很多规则。我将会告诉你其中的一些规则。 4.As is known to all, every nation has its own laws(法律) and every family has its own rules. 众所周知,国有国法,家有家规。 5.Rules are everywhere, and sometimes I am really annoyed with those rules. However, I know they bring me a lot.规则无处不在,有时候我真的很讨厌这些规则。然而,我也知道这些规则让我受益良多。 6.Every school has its rules. As for me,I am quite satisfied with our present school rules, because I think most of them actually help us a lot. 每个学校都有自己的规定。至于我,我很满意我们学校目前的校规,因为我认为大多数校规实际上帮助我们很多。 第二段:具体介绍规则 常用句型: 主语+have to do sth不得不做某事 I must/have to follow many/ lots of/a lot of rules at home.我在家必须遵守很多规则。 I must/have to finish my homework first after dinner.放学后我必须先完成作业。 2.主语+be allowed to do sth被允许做某事 You will not be allowed to do that.你将不被允许那样做。 I am not allowed to choose my own clothes, because my parents think I should pay more attention to my schoolwork. 我不能选择自己的衣服,因为我的父母认为我应该更加关注学业。 I'm not allowed to choose my clothes or take my phone to school. 我不能选择我的衣服或带我的手机去学校。 3.Don't+动词原形词组 不要做某事 Don't arrive late for class.上课不要迟到。 4.主语+must+动词原形 必须做某事 I must get home before 6:00 p. m. and go to bed before 10:00 pm, and I agree with the rules for a good sleep is important to my health.我必须在下午6点前回家,晚上10点前上床睡觉,我同意这两条规则,因为好的睡眠对我的健康很重要。 They think it is dangerous to hang out alone on the street at night.他们认为晚上一个人在街上闲逛很危险。 5.主语+can't+动词原形 不能做某事 I can't watch programs during school days and I must finish my homework on time. 不能在周内看电视节目,并且我必须按时完成我的家庭作业。 I can only watch TV for half an hour after dinner.晚饭后我只能看半小时电视。 On school days,I can't play comp ... ...

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