
人教版(2019) 必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage Life Reading and Thinking 课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:15次 大小:17339717Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Compare school life in different places Unit1 Reading and Thinking (v.)比较 (n.) comparison 1.Do you want to know about school life in other countries Could you tell me your high school life in China 2. Find the main idea of each paragraph. 阅读理解常考题型—段落大意题 (title) The Freshman Challenge (picture) How many challenges skim Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really beg challenge. (topic & challenge) I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take. (topic) Choosing the suitable courses. (challenge) I had to choose extra-curricular activities. (topic) I tried join the football team (美式橄榄球队). (challenge) I’ll have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more. (topic) Keeping up with the other students in my advanced course and getting used to all the homework. (challenge) Para. 1  Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 A. Study harder and be responsible for a lot more. B. Senior high school is a challenge. C. Choose the suitable courses. D. Choose extra-curricular activities. 3. Discuss the questions in your group. scan What courses did Adam choose Favorite What does “make the team” in paragraph 3 mean What is Adam worried about Is Adam confident about senior high school life 细节理解题 推理判断题 词义猜测题 win a place in a team 成为一员;加入 4. Complete the outline Para. Challenge How Adam feels Solution 1 confused 2 Choosing _____ courses. _____ The school adviser_____ 3 _____ He will find a way to_____ 4 He will_____ 挑战 感受 解决办法 the suitable from junior to senior… Serious/ careful help me… Making the football team unhappy improve… Keeping up with… and getting used to… Worried/happy/confident try to… Language points Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge. 动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数 Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge. from… to… 从……到…… Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge. really adv. “真的、确实”。作状语,用来修饰形容词big The first week was a little confusing. 形容词ing结尾,“令人…”;ed结尾,“感到…” a little (n.)“有点” First, I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take. think about “考虑” think carefully about 仔细考虑 take courses/lessons 上课 have courses/ lessons (老师)上课 give/teach/conduct a lesson I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate. that引导的宾语从句,作动词know的宾语,此时that可省略 My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and … 虚拟语气recommend (that) sb (should) do sth. 坚持、命令、建议、要求 sign up for+课程名字 “报名……(课程)” 名词短语a very difficult language作表语 …but the coach told me that I didn’t play well enough. coach n. 教练;v. 训练 well adv. 作状语修饰动词play enough adv. ... ...

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