
牛津译林版(2019)选修 第一册Unit 4 Exploring poetry Welcome to the unit & Reading 课件(共24张PPT+学案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:73次 大小:413487Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) UNIT 4 Exploring poetry Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading 1.通过阅读课文内容,了解应该如何阅读诗歌,了解诗歌中的意象,并且能有感情地朗诵诗歌。(语言能力,文化意识) 2.培养独立思考能力,形成批判性思维;能够进行批判性阅读并欣赏诗歌。(思维品质) 3.通过分析课文结构,了解文本大意,培养略读和查读等阅读能力。(语言能力,学习能力) 4.通过分析课文细节,培养分析长难句的能力。(学习能力) Ⅰ.释义匹配 A.n.线索;提示;迹象 B.adj.复杂的;难懂的 n.建筑群;复合体;情结 C.n.理解;领会;能力所及 vt.抓紧;理解 D.n.回报;悬赏金vt.奖励 E.vt.暗指;暗示 F.adv.始终;一直 G.n.笼子 vt.把……关在笼中 H.n.薄雾;水汽 I.adj.符合逻辑的;必然的;合乎情理的 J.n.现实;实际情况 1.( )imply E 2.( )grasp C 3.( )complex B 4.( )reward D 5.( )clue A 6.( )cage G 7.( )constantly F 8.( )logical I 9.( )reality J 10.( )mist H Ⅱ.默写单词 1._____n.方面;侧面;规模;程度;维 dimension 2._____vt.发现;查明;侦察出 detect 3._____n.押韵词;押韵vt.使押韵 vi.和……同韵 rhyme 4._____adj.相互矛盾的;对立的 contradictory 5._____vt.解释;阐释;把……理解为;领会;演绎 interpret 6._____ adv.到旁边;在旁边;留;存;除……以外 aside 7._____adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的;远亲的 remote 8._____vt.注意到;意识到;将……理解为;将……视为 perceive 9._____adj.内心的;隐藏的;里面的;内部的 inner 10._____adj.结冰的;冰封的;冷冻的;冻僵的 frozen 1._____把……放一边;留出 set sth aside 2._____发现;搜集;查明 dig up 3._____只要 as long as 4.worth your effort_____ 值得你努力 5.beyond your grasp_____ 超出了你的理解 Step 1 先导入,拓展背景知识 Look at the pictures and answer the following questions. 1.Why do people read poems? _____ _____ To appreciate it; to calm one's anxiety; to have a rest; to make a good academic performance... 2.What aspects of a poem do you pay attention to when you read it? _____ Theme, language, structure, images, rhyme, rhetorical devices... Step 2 再精读,明确概要细节 Ⅰ.Read the lecture transcript on Pages 44-45 quickly and match each part with its main idea. A.The introduction to the topic—how to reveal the hidden dimension of a poem. B.The conclusion of the passage—we should combine “sound” and “sense” to enjoy the journey in the world of poetry. C.Four ways to read poems. 1.Part 1 (Para.1)( ) A 2.Part 2 (Paras.2-5)( ) C 3.Part 3 (Para.6)( ) B Ⅱ.Answer the questions according to the lecture transcript on Pages 44-45. 1.How is poetry different from other types of literature ( ) D A.It is like a song. B.It is more attractive. C.It is a combination of “sound” and “imagination”. D.It usually implies a deeper meaning beyond the words on the page. 2.You should pay special attention to the aspects EXCEPT ___ when you read a poem aloud. D A.repeated words B.rhymes C.rhythms D.music 3.While approaching the poem, which of the following questions might you NOT ask about the poem ( ) D A.Who is talking and who is being talked to B.What is being described C.Are there other people or objects ther ... ...

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