

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:13次 大小:193462Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津译林版英语九年级下册中考专题复习四 完形填空 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、完形填空 My grandfather often said “I won’t” to show his dislike of dishonesty(不诚实). When he was young, he worked 1 a furniture(家具)maker. One day, a neighbor invited him to make some furniture. When arriving, he noticed the wood provided was a little 2 , so he said, “I won’t start right away.” He chose to let the wood dry for a month. He knew working with wet wood could cause 3 later on. Around the same time, another furniture maker was also asked for a 4 job by a different family. Unlike my grandfather, he 5 working right away. As a result, the neighbor started doubting my grandfather, thinking he was trying to make more money by 6 the work. However, my grandfather waited 7 . He wanted the best quality for the furniture he was making. A month later, the other furniture maker received his 8 and went back home. My grandfather began to 9 strong and beautiful furniture when the wood was completely dry. A few months passed and the furniture made by that maker began to break. The neighbor then regretted 10 my grandfather and said sorry to him. People came to understand his 11 and skill, spreading his fame far and wide. Influenced by my grandfather, my father also follows the 12 of “I won’t”. He always provides the freshest food, which makes his restaurant very 13 in town. Once a trader wanted to sell some cheap but smelly seafood to my father, he said “No!” and stopped the 14 . Now, my brother and I keep in mind 15 our grandfather and father taught us. Through ups and downs in life, we’ve come to deeply understand our family value behind this saying—to be truthful and honest. 1.A.as B.by C.like D.with 2.A.hard B.light C.soft D.wet 3.A.fire B.illness C.pollution D.problems 4.A.magic B.normal C.similar D.special 5.A.began B.canceled C.kept D.stopped 6.A.checking out B.giving up C.putting off D.turning down 7.A.excitedly B.patiently C.sadly D.worriedly 8.A.food B.furniture C.money D.wood 9.A.clean B.make C.move D.repair 10.A.answering B.believing C.comforting D.doubting 11.A.fairness B.honesty C.love D.politeness 12.A.joy B.plan C.shape D.value 13.A.beautiful B.convenient C.peaceful D.popular 14.A.business B.competition C.interview D.survey 15.A.how B.what C.when D.why Saving Baby Elephants Mishak rubs (擦) his eyes when he prepares warm milk. Like other people looking after babies, he is 16 . It is 5:30 a.m., and he hasn’t had much sleep. Mishak sits next to the baby elephant, smiles and makes sure she finishes the breakfast. Mishak is a 17 from an elephant rescue (救援) center. 18 , many elephants meet problems, so they need rescuing here. For one thing, hunters 19 elephants for their ivory. For another, people build homes and plant fields where 20 used to live. Hungry elephants walk into the villages and fields to look for food. They often cause serious damage( ... ...

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