
2023-2024学年人教版九年级英语全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section A 练习(含解析)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:30次 大小:42005Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section A 练习 2023-2024学年人教版九年级英语全册 一、单项选择 1.—Do you know everybody_____ came to the party 一No,I don’t know the one ____ you had a long talk with. A./; whom B.which; that C.that;which D.who;/ 2.When people say “七尺男儿”, they usually mean a man _____ is tall and strong. A.what B.who C.where 3. Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach ____I have ever seen. A.which B.who C.what D./ 4.The year of 2021 is the 20th anniversary of the movie “Harry Porter”. I look forward to seeing it again on the big screen because it’s the best movie _____ I have ever seen. A.that B.who C.what 5.It’s important to make a good plan, but what’s more important is to _____ the plan you have made. A.check out B.run after C.stick to D.think of 6.They talked about the people and things _____ they remembered. A.who B.whose C.which D.that 7.—Tom, what are you doing —I’m looking for the toy _____ Lily bought for me yesterday. A.that B.what C.who D.whom 8.—Do you know Pan Jianwei —Yes, he is a great scientist _____ is on the list of Top Ten Best Scientists in 2017. A.who B.which C.whom 9.—Could you look through his report when you have a(n) _____ moment —With pleasure. A.exact B.awful C.valuable D.spare 10.Do you like music _____ makes you excited A.that B.who C.whose D.whom 二、完形填空 To be honest, I enjoy music a lot and Tejano music is my favorite.Tejano music was born in Texas. 11 it has influences from Mexico and some other Latin American countries, the main influence is from America. 12 most music around the world,Tejano music mixes many different styles. It combines (结合) folk, country, rock and a bit of the blues. I 13 to listen to Tejano music because it makes me feel good. I enjoy dancing to it,too. It’s so easy that there is no 14 for my friends who want to join me. Some of my classmates also like Tejano music.It is 15 with young people. I also love other 16 of music.I listen to rock when I’m happy. My favorite rock band is Creed because they sing a lot about their lives and express 17 they feel in their songs.They sing about their past experiences,their feelings and the way they want their lives to 18 .I also like heavy metal music.Metallica is my favorite heavy metal band.I 19 listen to their music when I am upset.It tells me that,whatever difficulties I meet in life,I must try hard to get the things I want and I should never 20 . Music influences us all in different ways.What type of music do you like 11.A.When B.After C.Because D.Although 12.A.As B.Like C.With D.Between 13.A.prefer B.refuse C.stop D.suggest 14.A.rule B.cause C.problem D.reason 15.A.popular B.lucky C.important D.careful 16.A.pieces B.types C.lists D.parts 17.A.which B.where C.why D.how 18.A.change B.treat C.design D.discover 19.A.exactly B.hardly C.usually D.easily 20.A.give up B.stay up C.take up D.make up 三、阅读理解 ... ...

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