
Unit9 What's your favorite subject Section B 2a-2c 课件(共18张PPT) 人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:27次 大小:9827946Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) U9 My favorite subject is science. Section B 2a-2c 请大家准备好课本, 笔记本,红黑笔 to take notes 认真听讲,积极回答,快速连麦 使用“At..., we have...”“We have...at” “...is from...to...” “We have... for + 时间段”等句型谈论学校课程及活动安排,并能使用“then, after that...”等连词完整描述自己一天的课程和活动安排。 1. 了解信件此类文体的特点,并在阅读中养成关注key words、topic sentence的习惯,学会使用skimming、scanning等阅读策略,完成阅读任务。 2. 尝试梳理思维导图mind map, 利用思维导图梳理文章结构及内容,并借助思维导图练习复述。 3. Learning objectives 学习目标 Jenny and Yu Mei are good friends, but they go to different schools. write a letter Fast reading: Task 1 Read quickly and answer the questions. 1. Who writes the letter and who gets the letter 2. Which day is it about 3. Is it about the school life or family life Tip 1: Skimming focus on beginning and ending 关注开头和结尾,不需逐字阅读 Fast reading: Task 1 Read quickly and answer the questions. 1. Who writes the letter and who gets the letter Tip 2: pay attention to the form of the letter关注书信格式 收信人 写信人 Yu Mei writes the letter, and Jenny gets the letter. Yu Mei writes the letter to Jenny. The letter is from to Yu Mei Jenny. Fast reading: Task 1 Read quickly and answer the questions. 2. Which day is it about 3. Is it about the school life or family life Tip 3: The first sentence is usually the topic sentence(主旨句) Tip 4: focus on key words, and try to summarize the main idea 根据关键词进行总结归纳 About the school life. Friday. Careful reading Task2 1. Circle the subjects and activities. 2. Underline the adjectives. What else does Yu Mei mention(提到) to descirbe subjects and activities Time. have an art lesson/class have art Yu Mei thinks...is .... It's ...for Yu Mei to have... Task 3 Match the time with the subjects/activities. Careful reading No. When What 1 8:00-8:50 2 9:00-9:50 3 10:00-10:50 4 11:00-11:50 5 12:00-1:00 6 1:00-1:50 7 2:00-4:00 math history lunch art science P.E. Chinese in time order时间顺序 use conjunctions(连词) “then, after that” to add coherence(连贯性) How does Yu Mei organize the letter Tip 5: Scanning寻读 focus on key words From..to...,she has... 8:00-8:50 math busy Friday not fun and difficult teacher says it’s useful difficult but interesting easy and fun favorite ... teacher is great fun relaxing 9:00-9:50 science 10:00-10:50 history 11:00-11:50 P.E. 12:00-1:00 lunch 1:00-1:50 Chinese 2:00-4:00 art What When adj. to describe then, after that... Tip 6:Mind map(思维导图) can help to better understand the structure(结构) of a passage. Task4 Mind map How about you When are...classes What is your favorite... Task 5 How many ways can you find to talk about time and subjects/ activities Underline the sentences. 表达时间和学科/活动的句子有哪些?请将这些句子下划线。 At 8:00 I have math. At+时间点,I have.... Dear Jenny, I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. The t ... ...

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