
七年级下学期英语Unit1 Dream homes【单元测试 · 基础卷】(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:47次 大小:25334Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit1 Dream homes【单元测试 · 基础卷】 一.根据首字母或汉语提示拼写单词(20分) Can the little boy write the numbers from _____(零)to one hundred This weekend, I want to go to the Summer _____(宫殿). More and more people talk with their friends and family members by sending WeChat _____(消息). We can keep food in the _____(冰箱)to keep it fresh. Some birds _____(停留)here for a few minutes and then fly away. Some students in our school are different from _____(国家). Thanks for _____(邀请)us to have meals with you at home. Chinese people don’t like to eat meals with _____(刀)or forks. Tomorrow us my father’s _____(五十)birthday. More than three _____(百万)of the people in China like this kind of mobile. —The box is not big, but it’s very heavy. Why —Because it’s _____(满的)of books. Mr Black has a daughter. Today is her _____(第十二)birthday. I think there is something wrong with my _____(机器). Would you please take a look at it We have to take a cold _____(淋浴)to keep is cool every day in summer. Makena is one of the most beautiful _____(海滩)in Hawaii. China has an area of about 9,600,000 s_____ kilometres. This is the _____(第三)time that I have been in Nanjing. Today, many young people like to make short _____(录像). I _____(合用)a room with my brother Simon. —Do you know the c_____ of France —Yes. It’s Paris. 二.单句语法填空(15分) Would he like _____(exercise) in the garden The new building in the city centre is about 43 _____(foot) high. He speaks French very well, because he comes from _____(French). September is the _____(nine) month of the year and my birthday is in this month. Look! There are some old men _____(buy) newspapers over there. The students in Class 3 _____(have) an English class at the moment. The schools in the UK are _____(real) different from the schools here. _____(woman) Day is coming. I’d like to buy a gift for my mother. Do you think the _____(dinner) room is beautiful Every year, _____(thousand) of visitors come to Huai’an to enjoy Huaiyang food. How nice! Is this new _____(wash) machine yours How long does it take you _____(finish) your homework every evening Mr Lee often tells his students _____(not play) too many computer games. Tony’s sister enjoys _____(listen) to music and she often goes to concerts. Will you please _____(wake) me up at seven tomorrow morning 三.按要求改写句子,每空一词。(10分) 1.Mike lives on the seventh floor.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ Mike _____ _____ 2.Now we are learning Lesson 23.(改为同义句) Now we are learning _____ _____ lesson. 3.My elder brother and I live in the same room.(改为同义句) I _____ _____ _____ _____ my elder brother. 4.There are not any other rooms on this floor.(改为同义句) There are _____ other rooms on this floor. 5.Eight people live in my home.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ _____ in your home 四.根据中文提示完成句子。(20分) 1.—你有自己的卧室吗? —没有。我和弟弟共用一间。 _____ 2.吉姆的家 ... ...

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