
辽宁省沈阳市法库县2023-2024学年六年级下学期4月月考英语试题(图片版 无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:22次 大小:458462Byte 来源:二一课件通
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班 小学六年级英语学科第一阶段练习题2024,3 IV.单项选择。(10分) 试卷满分:100分1 考试时间:40分钟 ()1.- are you -I am 165 centimetres tall. 题号1。 ILⅢ VI IX 总分 A.How much B.How many C.How tall D.How taller 得分 ( )2.Alice usually_ in summer.( 姓 名 A.swims B.swimmingC.swim D.swiming ( )3.The farmer and his wife lived inold house. 1. 找出每组单词划线部分发音不同的选项,将序号写在括号里。(5分) A.the B.a C.D.an )1:A.neighbour B.daughter C.eight D.enough ()4.Mr Yang drives a street to clean the street. ... ()2.A.1ine B.white C.kilogramo D.rice A.cleaner B.sweeper C.sweep D.broom ( )3.A.bowl B.how )5.I live_ _the city.There are a lot of tall there. ( )4.A.night B.win C.find D.long A.at,buildings B.in,building C.at,building D.in,buildings .: ( )5.A.nose B.spend C.insect D.west V.连成词组或短语,将字母序号写在括号里。(10分) I1.找出每组单词中不属于同类的选项,将其前面的标号写到括号中。(5分) (,)1.right A.crops F.马上 )1.A.farmer B.writer C.clean D.nurse ()2.have B.away G.收割 ()2.A.always B.much C.often D.usually ( )3.get uoC.a picnic bo、H.用手4i 文(一)3.A.cousin B.museum0” C.restaurant D.cinema ()4.plant D.hand I.去野餐 ()4.A.Africa B.England C.Europe D.Asia ()5.by E.in种庄稼 ( )5.A.white B.colour C.black D.green V1.选词填空。(10分 Ⅲ.按要求完成下列单词和短语。(20分) 资不思推千位t用日实六to..wh,2.forf0mb坐:-22. 1.环卫工人 (翻译) 2.剧院 (翻译) 1.People go to work car,bus or underground now 3.放学后 (翻译) 4.甚至 (翻译) 2.In the past,he swept the streets _a broom. 5.山脉 (翻译) 6.驾驶 (翻译) 题时答回 3.We are students_ Class 6A. 7.life (复数) 8.same (反义词) 4.I'd like give you some flowers. 9.sweep. (过去式) 10.wish (复数) 5.Thank you your help. 小学英语(六年级下册)第1页共2页

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