
人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage Life Reading and thinking 课件(共42张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:37次 大小:9765333Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 2 Reading and thinking (I) Unit 1 Teenage Life 高———人教版—英语必修———第一单元 Teaching Objectives By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: understand the main idea of the whole passage and each paragraph by skimming; analyze the structure of the passage and summarize Adam’s challenges; compare the school life in different places; list your own challenges as senior high school students and develop your self-cognition. What are your feelings as a freshman at senior high school Free talk What are your feelings as a freshman at senior high school I feel really excited about the life in senior high school because I will have a new classroom, new teachers, and new classmates! But I also feel nervous and anxious: will I make new friends Can I adapt myself to the new lifestyle Free talk Do you think students in other countries live the same life as you do What do you want to know about teenage life in other countries Group work Do you think students in other countries live the same life as you do No. Perhaps they don’t need to get up so early every morning and do a lot of homework as we do! What do you want to know about teenage life in other countries I want to know about their courses and extracurricular activities! How many subjects do they need to study What do they often do after school Group work Look at the title and the picture, what do you think the passage may talk about Predicting Listen to the recordings, skim the text and find the main idea of each paragraph. Focus on the main idea You can find main ideas by first taking a quick look at the title, picture(s), key words and phrases, and topic sentences. Skim the text quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: Senior high school is a challenge. Focus on the main idea Skim the text quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 2: Adam had to think carefully about which courses he wanted to take. Focus on the main idea Skim the text quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 3: Adam had to choose extra-curricular activities. Focus on the main idea Skim the text quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 4: Adam had to work harder and be more responsible. Focus on the main idea Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: Senior high school is a challenge. Adam had to think carefully about which courses he wanted to take. Adam had to choose extra-curricular activities. Adam had to work harder and be more responsible. Focus on the main idea Read the title again and go over the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: Senior high school is a challenge. Adam had to think carefully about which courses he wanted to take. Adam had to choose extra-curricular activities. Adam had to work harder and be more responsible. What is the key word of the title In which paragraph do you find this key word Are the ... ...

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