
焦点 10 读写之根据短文内容回答问题 备战2024年中考英语复习之优秀生拔高特训(上海市)原卷版+解析版

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:24次 大小:618515Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    焦点10 读写之根据短文内容回答问题 备战2024年中考英语复习之优秀生拔高特训 A Answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题。) When you think of the cinema, the phrase “watching a movie” probably comes to mind, and, in fact, moviemakers work very hard to make the pictures wonderful. But movies also contain stories, dialogues, music, and sound effects which people don’t need to see in order to enjoy. Movie reviewer Marty Klein has created a website called Blindspots to help blind people choose movies that they can follow without the help of an assistant to explain what is happening on the screen. Klein gives movies a rating from 1 to 10 based on several factors. A movie receives a high rating if there are only a few main characters whose voices are easy to recognize. Klein also likes an interesting story without too many changes in time and place. Of course, blind or visually impaired people can enjoy many films with the help of a friend who doesn’t mind explaining the parts of a movie that can only be seen. But that means that someone is talking during the movie, which could annoy some audience members. To solve these problems, movie theaters provide wireless headsets with which blind people can hear a recorded narration. The narration includes descriptions of the movements, scenery, and special effects that other audience members can see on screen during the movie. This allows them to listen to the narration while still hearing a movie’s music and other sounds. Another blind movie reviewer, Jay Forry, writes movie reviews that are published on his website, Blindside Reviews. He also writes for newspapers and is a guest on radio shows. Forry became a writer after going blind at the age of 28 and deciding to go to college. His first review appeared in the college newspaper. Forry’s writing skills and sense of humor are what keep people reading his review or listening to them on the radio. After “watching” The Sixth Sense, Forry commented that he thought the movie was excellent, but that he envied (嫉妒) the boy was the main character, “He had six senses, and I only have four.” 1.What can be enjoyed without being seen at the cinema 2.Blindspots isn’t a website for blind people to choose movies from, is it 3.Which word or phrase has the same meaning as blind is used in the passage 4.How do movie theatres deal with the problem of blind people attending movies with assistants 5.What keeps people reading Forry’s review or listening to them on the radio, his writing skills or sense of humor 6.What kind of movies is suitable for blind people Give at least two examples. B Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答下列问题): If you wake up with a cough and a sore throat, you can go to the doctor. But when the soil is sick, it is not able to tell anyone! This is the concept that made the EPA take action. They formed a group of professional soil doctors to monitor the health of dirt. Healthy soil is essential because it allows plants and animals ... ...

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