
【广东省深圳市】完形填空-- 2023-2024年中考英语一模真题分类汇编(含解析)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:25次 大小:311119Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【广东省深圳市】完形填空-- 2023-2024年中考一模真题分类汇编(含解析) (2024·广东深圳·一模)There was a mysterious shop called “Time Bank”. The owner claimed to exchange time with 1 . One day, out of curiosity, a young man 2 the shop. He asked, “Can I exchange time for money ” The owner answered, “Certainly, but you must exchange a period of your lifetime.” The young man named the time he was willing to exchange—his 3 childhood. When he was a little boy, he had no friends, only books. They made a deal. Soon there was a large sum of money in his account. Years went by, his career was more 4 than ever, but he started to feel empty. On a quiet night, he 5 realized that his childhood was valuable for him to learn to be strong and independent. He 6 to the “Time Bank” and asked the owner to stop the deal. “I can return your time, but you must exchange everything you have now,” the owner said. Without a second thought, he agreed. Although he lost his success, money, even the 7 of the years of hard work, he was joyful. Immediately, his childhood memories 8 . At that moment, he felt a sense of 9 like never before. The most 10 things in life are not material wealth, but the time we experience and the memories we make. 1.A.actors B.customers C.reporters D.visitors 2.A.looked for B.went around C.walked into D.talked about 3.A.free B.happy C.unusual D.lonely 4.A.successful B.helpful C.joyful D.hopeful 5.A.luckily B.suddenly C.secretly D.possibly 6.A.rushed B.wrote C.got D.moved 7.A.changes B.dreams C.chances D.achievements 8.A.worked B.repaired C.returned D.continued 9.A.confidence B.pride C.humour D.happiness 10.A.surprising B.useful C.priceless D.different (2024·广东深圳·一模)A boy guarded the barrels (木桶) in his father’s winery (葡萄酒厂). Every morning, his father gave him a 11 of brushing the barrels and putting them in order, but the wind blew the barrels here and there overnight. The boy was so 12 that he wrote a letter to the wind, “Please don’t blow down my barrels.” After seeing that, his father asked the boy with a smile, “Can the wind read your letter ” The little boy said, “I don’t know. I have no 13 but to make this request (请求).” The next morning, when the little boy ran to 14 the barrels, he found that the barrels were blown here and there again. The little boy felt very unhappy and cried. His father came and said 15 , “Son, don’t be sad. We may have no way to deal with the wind, but we may have our own ways to 16 the wind.” Then the little boy dried his tears and thought over and over. Finally, he thought of an idea. He filled the 17 barrels with water. After that, he went home worriedly. The third morning, the little boy 18 his clothes in a hurry and ran out. He was excited to find the barrels were placed in good order. The little boy smiled happily and told his father, “It’s a very 19 way, that is, to make the barrels heavier.” ... ...

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