
【贵州】完形填空 -- 2023-2024中考英语一模真题分类汇编(含解析)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:40次 大小:296458Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【贵州】完形填空 -- 2023-2024中考一模真题分类汇编(含解析) (2024·贵州毕节·一模)It was a fine day. David went to a park to take some photos. When he 1 , he decided to stay a little longer. All the 2 in the park were full, so he found a tree and lay down, putting his camera next to him. It was so warm that he 3 fell asleep. When he woke up, he couldn’t 4 his camera. He told the policeman in the park about it. The policeman told David that three 5 people lost their cameras in the park that day. David put an advertisement (广告) in the newspaper the next day. It said, “ 6 me your cameras. I will buy them at a good e to my house at No.35 Bridge Road every Sunday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.” One Sunday morning, David was at home, drinking 8 . At about 10 o’clock, a man came with some cameras for 9 . David chose an old black camera and looked at the number on it very 10 . It was his! He caught the man and called the police at once. 1.A.expected B.finished C.happened 2.A.seats B.houses C.pools 3.A.again B.still C.soon 4.A.sell B.find C.give 5.A.every B.each C.other 6.A.Bring B.Touch C.Wonder 7.A.color B.price C.size 8.A.rice B.bread C.tea 9.A.work B.news C.sale 10.A.carefully B.luckily C.easily (2024·贵州黔东南·一模)阅读下面一篇短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 It was Career (职业) Week at school. Each day, a different person came to talk about his or her career. Kelly’s class had visited a fireman, an artist and a doctor. All the talks were interesting. Kelly was 11 to think of all the careers he could have. Kelly was quite 12 about the last person who came to visit—Andrew Fisher, a famous television reporter. Kelly wanted to hear his talk very much. Mr. Fisher talked about he grew up in a poor family with very little education. He talked about being a 13 during dangerous but exciting time. He talked about climbing Mt. Qomolangma and sailing (航行) down the Nile. He had many interesting stories, and the students paid close attention. Then he 14 if anyone had questions. Kelly put up his hand at once. “Mr. Fisher, how did you get to be so successful ” Kelly asked. “Here’s the 15 .” Mr. Fisher said. “Write down my goal in a special notebook. Every morning, I look at my notebook and 16 my goal. Then I ask myself, How can I get one step closer to my goal ” Mr. Fisher continued, “Try it yourself. 17 your dream in perfect plans and write it down. Don’t be 18 if your dream seems impossible. Nobody ever believed that the Wright Brothers could build a plane. People 19 when Christopher Columbus said that he wanted to sail around the world. But these people believed in their 20 . They thought about how to achieve their dreams every day. Each day they took a few steps to achieve their dreams.” 11.A.encouraged B.chosen C.refused 12.A.excited B.sad C.angry 13.A.doctor B.reporter C.teacher 14.A.waited B.told C.asked 15.A. ... ...

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