

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:97次 大小:564871Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳版小升初英语知识点复习 专题十二:阅读理解-人与自然(一) 一、(23-24六年级下·广东深圳·小升初)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 Every year on 22nd April, over 192 countries celebrate (庆祝) Earth Day. It’s an important day. It tells people to help our Earth. On Earth Day, many people in the US keep their cars at home and go to work by underground. Many children like wearing a blue and green T-shirt on that day. Blue and green clothing is like the blue sky and the green trees. The theme (主题) for Earth Day in 2024 will be the “Planet (星球) vs. Plastics”. Many turtles, seabirds and dolphins get caught in plastic bags. They can’t move and some of them even die! That’s why people stop using plastic bags and bring their own shopping bags. Some people like drawing pictures on their own shopping bags. They want to tell more people to help our Earth. It is a good way, isn’t it Next Earth Day, will you join them together 1.How many countries celebrate Earth Day ( ) A.Over ninety-two. B.Over One hundred and ninety-two. C.Over One hundred and twenty-two. 2.What colour is the T-shirt on Earth Day ( ) A.Blue and green. B.Green and yellow. C.Blue and white. 3.What’s the meaning (意思) of “get caught in plastic bags” ( ) A. B. C. 4.Why do people draw on their own shopping bags ( ) A.Because they like drawing pictures very much. B.Because they want to get more money for their family. C.Because they want to tell more people about helping the Earth. 5.What’s the best title of this article ( ) A.Planet vs. Plastics B.Wearing T-shirt C.Helping our Earth 二、(23-24六年级下·广东深圳·期末)判断下列句子是否与原文意思相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。 13-year-old Anna always wanted to keep a pet at home, but her parents didn’t let her do so because they thought animals were dirty. Anna didn’t give up(放弃). She read lots of books about animals, and then checked a lot of information on the Internet. A few days later, Anna told her parents that she had found a great website(网站) and she wanted to share it with them. When her parents got online(上线), they found it was all about animals. On the website, there were many pictures and videos of animals, like cats, dogs and rabbits, After browsing(浏览) carefully, Anna’s parents became interested. The more they read, the more they knew about animals. They began to realize (意识到) that animals were just like people. The dogs and cats in the street were dirty because their masters abandoned(抛弃) them and no one took care of them any more. It’s man’s problem, not animals’. Before her parents said how good the website was, Anna told them she built the website by herself. She collected information about animals and put them on her website. Now Anna’s family are thinking about what kind of pet to keep at home. 6.Anna’s parents thought animals were dirty. ( ) 7.Anna found a great book about animals. ( ) 8.Anna and her parents set up( ... ...

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