
英语人教新目标版九年级全一册Unit 9I like music that I can dance to.Section B 3a~Self Check 课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:14次 大小:268519Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section B 3a~Self Check Unit 9   I like music that I can dance to 英语 【书面表达】 请根据要求完成短文写作。   冼星海是中国最伟大的作曲家之一。请根据下面的提示内容,写一篇介绍冼星海的英文短文。内容包括: (1)他于1905年出生于澳门,于1945年去世; (2) 曾经在巴黎学习音乐; (3) 在1939年用六天时间写出了《黄河大合唱》(The Yellow River Cantata); (4) 他把中国音乐和西方音乐融合在一起,使全世界的人更了解中国音乐。他的许多歌曲都很受欢迎,流行了六十多年; (5)他被称为“人民音乐家(People’s Musician)”。 作文要求: (1)不得照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实校名、地名和考生的真实姓名。 (2)语句连贯,词数80左右。 【句型训练】 1.他花了六天完成它。(spend)  He spent six days finishing it.  2.他擅长于把中国音乐与西方音乐融合。(good;mix … with)  He was good at mixing Chinese music with Western music.  3.他的音乐让他在中国出名了。(make)  His music made him famous in China.  4.他被称为“人民音乐家”。(call)  He was called “People’s Musician”.  He spent six days finishing it. He was good at mixing Chinese music with Western music. His music made him famous in China. He was called “People’s Musician”. 【写作思路】 人称:第三人称  时态:以一般过去时为主 冼星海 【短文写作】  Xian Xinghai was one of the greatest musicians in China.He was born in Macao in 1905.He once studied music in Paris.Xian was famous for the song The Yellow River Cantata.He wrote it in 1939.He spent six days finishing it.He was good at mixing Chinese music with Western music.He wrote many songs.His music made people all over the world learn more about Chinese music.Some of his songs have been popular for more than sixty years.His music made him famous in China.That’s why he was called “People’s Musician”.He died in 1945.   Xian Xinghai was one of the greatest musicians in China.He was born in Macao in 1905.He once studied music in Paris.Xian was famous for the song The Yellow River Cantata.He wrote it in 1939.He spent six days finishing it.He was good at mixing Chinese music with Western music.He wrote many songs.His music made people all over the world learn more about Chinese music.Some of his songs have been popular for more than sixty years.His music made him famous in China.That’s why he was called “People’s Musician”.He died in 1945.  ———基础夯实——— 一、 根据句意及汉语提示补全单词。 1.He forgot all his  dialog / dialogue  (对白) when he stood in the middle of the stage. 2.The soldier was  wounded  (受伤) in the war and they took him to hospital. 3.We don’t think it too difficult to  master  (掌握) a foreign language. dialog / dialogue wounded master 4.The  praise  (称赞) of his friends makes the boy feel very proud. 5.Their choices can usually  reflect  (反映) their hopes and interests. praise reflect 二、完成句子,每空一词。 1.很可惜的是,总共只有五本书被找到了。  It’s   a   pity   that  only five books in total were found. 2.中国丝绸在六至七世 ... ...

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