

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:43次 大小:63083Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年高考英语语法填空热点话题终极押题-最新热点话题荟萃06 主要内容 1 介绍了2023年中国国内和国际上最受欢迎的汉字和词汇。 2 介绍了刘代娥作为土家织锦国家传承人的故事,她通过引入新技术,成功传承了传统手艺。她强调了传统文化的重要性,提倡创造高品质产品,以促进民族文化自信心和实现经济效益。 3 介绍了社区食堂“火”了!年轻人和老年人成为“饭搭子”。 4 介绍了中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市(以冰雪节闻名,被昵称为“Erbin”)近期在中国各地受到的关注,以及旅游部门如何利用各种策略来吸引游客、促进文化旅游的现象。 5 为了纪念中法建交六十周年,上海豫园灯会在巴黎展出。 6 介绍的是印尼开通了东南亚首条高铁线路,这条线路主要由中国国有企业出资建设,连接印尼最大的两个城市雅加达和万隆。 7 讲述了龙年春节期间,与龙相关的商品受到消费者的青睐。 8 讲述了针灸的治疗方法以及它在现代医学中的地位。 9 为了纪念李小龙,佛山的艺术家们在2010年创作了30米高的李小龙雕像。文章对此进行了介绍。 10 介绍了“川菜博物馆”的展出内容和游客体验。 01 (2024·河北承德·二模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Chinese character zhen(振), meaning “vitalize”, 1 (name) the nation’s most popular character related to domestic affairs this year, while the character wei, 2 meaning is “risk” or “crisis”, was chosen as 3 (hot) for international topics. The characters are among a list of popular words, as well as phrases, 4 (collect) in an annual assessment organized by agencies including the Ministry of Education’s National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center and the Commercial Press publishing house. Organizers explained that “vitalize” represents 5 upward trend and a gesture of trying to make an effort, and that’s the spirit one should have 6 the face of challenges and obstacles, 7 it’s a country or an individual. Meanwhile, it pointed out that internationally, the world’s path has come to a crossroads amid wars and conflicts, sluggish economies, a 8 (wide) gap of development and a worsening environment. Organizers called for looking for opportunities hidden in these 9 (crisis) and using dialogue and cooperation to handle differences in order to build a fair, better world. In addition to characters, gaozhiliang fazhan, or high-quality development, was chosen 10 (be) the key domestic phrase of the year, while ChatGPT was named the annual phrase in international topics. 02 (2024·广西柳州·三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Liu Dai’e is known as 11 national inheritor of Tujia brocade weaving (土家织锦). She completed dozens of orders for her products bearing unique cultural 12 (element) of the Tujia ethnic group in time for the last Spring Festival. Born and raised in a village in Hunan province, Liu has introduced a new technique 13 the traditional craft (手艺) over the past two years, 14 was named as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2006. In the Tujia language, the local brocade is known as xilankapu, which translates as “flower-patterned cover”. Made by skilled weavers and 15 (involve) more than 10 processes, Tuj ... ...

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