

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:23631Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考复习人教版第二部分 专题四 代词 命题点1 人称代词、物主代词与反身代词 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、单项选择 1.— What is your sister’s favorite color — _____ favorite color is purple, the Color of the Year for 2022. A.My B.Your C.His D.Her 2.Tai chi, part of Chinese culture, is an exercise which helps people improve _____ in health. A.themselves B.ourselves C.itself D.myself 3.— Excuse me, is this Alice's pencil box —Yes, it is. It’s _____. A.mine B.ours C.hers D.theirs 4.The living conditions of the endangered wild animals have greatly improved. The number of _____ is rapidly increasing. A.us B.you C.him D.them 5.My brother is only eight, but _____ can already help with some housework. A.he B.she C.it D.they 6.—The earth, _____ only home, is now in danger. —That’s for sure. It’s our duty to save and protect it. A.your B.her C.his D.our 7.—My parents are always helpful. _____ give me advice when I am in trouble. —So do my parents. I love them. A.It B.You C.We D.They 8.—Mom, could I get a new phone —Why I think _____ phone still looks as good as a new one. A.my B.your C.his D.her 9.The program, Everlasting Classics, encourages to read more classics. A.we B.us C.our D.ours 10.Each time I listen to Erquan Yingyue, a picture of _____ sad beauty appears in my mind. A.it B.its C.it’s D.itself 11.My best friend and _____ were fixing up the broken machine when the rainstorm came. A.I B.me C.mine D.my 12.— We’ll have the P.E. test next week. I feel a little nervous. — Relax! Believe in _____ and practice more. A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself 13.Alice is _____ best friend. I hope our friendship can last forever. A.my B.mine C.your D.yours 14.—Mom, I’m sorry. I can’t do things as well as my classmates. —Just be _____, my little boy. You’ve done your best. A.you B.yourself C.him D.himself 15.Judy and I like sports, and _____ often play volleyball after school. A.we B.us C.they D.them 二、单词拼写 16.Another three astronauts, Liu Yang, Chen Dong and Cai Xuzhe, have been sent into space. Let’s express our best wishes to . (they) 17.We took pride in when we succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain finally. (we) 18.Nick and Nora have a lot in common. favorite Chinese star runner is Su Bingtian. (they) 19.The great woman teacher, Zhang Guimei, devotes to the education industry. (she) 20.We are in a tough time at present. As long as we pull together, victory must belong to . (we) 21.—How was your visit to the Shanghai Disneyland —Wonderful! I enjoyed very much during the whole trip. (I) 22.Everyone has advantages, so don’t compare disadvantages with others’ advantages. (you) 23.My son is unhappy because Mrs. Liu won’t teach this term any more. (he) 24.After a busy morning at work, lunchtime gives a chance to do many things, such as exercising, reading and watching TV. (I) 25.Kevin’s little brother is smart and he worked out th ... ...

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