
Unit 5 Our School Life 1 I usually come to school by subway 练习(含解析) 2023-2024学年仁爱版七年级英语下册

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:44034Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Our School Life Unit 1 I usually come to school by subway 练习 2023-2024学年仁爱版七年级英语下册 一、单项选择 1.—How does your father go to work — _____. He drives me to school every day. A.By bike B.On foot C.By bus D.By car 2.Paul is an English boy, but he can _____ Chinese very well. A.say B.speak C.talk 3.Here are some _____ in the box. A.ring B.pencil C.notebooks D.watch 4.The school library is _____ clean. It’s a nice place to read and study. A.never B.seldom C.sometimes D.always 5.Tom isn’t good at playing soccer, _____ he still loves it. A.for B.so C.or D.but 6.Wang Wei doesn’t have a baseball _____ a soccer ball, _____ she has a volleyball. A.and; or B.or; but C.and; but 7.Everyone wished to buy _____ things with _____ money. A.more; less B.less; more C.more; fewer D.fewer; more 8.Thanks _____ your help, or we couldn’t finish the work _____ such a rainy day. A.for; in B.to; on C.for; on D.to; on 9.Kate doesn’t do sports , she always _____ them on TV. A.looks B.says C.sees D.watches 10.It is _____ cold in winter in the north of China. A.usual B.usually C.sometimes D.a little 二、完形填空 In the USA, children usually get to school on the school bus. There are about 480,000 11 school buses in the country. In 1939, yellow became(成为) the color of school buses 12 the color helped warn(警告) other cars. A yellow bus and black letters on it are easy to 13 in the early morning. On the school bus, 14 can listen to music, talk on the phone or just sleep. But they 15 put things in the aisle(过道). They should keep their hands and arms in the bus. It is not a good idea to 16 to the bus driver, because he/she can't drive well when he/she is talking. These days, school buses are more popular(受欢迎的) in China, too. Wang Li, a student from Chaoyang Middle School, 17 a school bus to school every day. It takes her about 40 minutes 18 to school every morning. "It's a lot more interesting than taking the subway, because you sit with your classmates. And it saves(节省) 19 time. So we all 20 the school bus." the 12-year-old girl said. 11.A.yellow B.red C.black D.green 12.A.so B.or C.but D.because 13.A.look B.listen C.take D.see 14.A.teachers B.kids C.drivers D.parents 15.A.can B.needn't C.must D.can't 16.A.talk B.listen C.come D.get 17.A.take B.takes C.took D.taking 18.A.get B.to get C.getting D.gets 19.A.many B.lot of C.a lot of D.a lots of 20.A.like B.ride C.hate D.drive 三、阅读理解 Mr Brown is my uncle. He is 40 years old. 21 He usually does sports in the club. He is good at playing basketball. His job is to teach the students how to play basketball. His students like him very much. 22 He has a car, but he doesn’t drive his car to work. 23 He thinks it is good exercise. And he can get to the club early when many buses and cars are in the street. 24 Then he takes a shower and has a good breakfast. At 7:40, he rides his bike to the club. 25 “ ... ...

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