
外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Food for thought Understanding ideas 课件(共24张PPT,内镶嵌视频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:59次 大小:38483927Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Food for thought A child of Two Cuisines Try to match the food to the countries on the map. 1 2 3 What Was the Worst Meal You Ate 你吃过的最奇葩的黑暗料理是什么? Are you a foodie A person who enjoys cooking and eating different types of food. fried scorpion hairy tofu wine soaked shrimp fried silkworm chrysalis There is an old saying in China, “Food is the first necessity of the people.” There are many delicious food in China! blue cheese: a type of cheese with blue lines in it, popular in Europe and well-known for its strong taste (蓝奶酪) black pudding: a type of dark sausage mainly made from pig's blood and fat, famous in the UK and some other parts of Europe (血肠) haggis: a Scottish dish made from the liver, heart and lungs of a sheep (肉馅羊肚) fried spider: a popular snack in some parts of South-east Asia (油炸蜘蛛) special cuisines Tick the food you would like to try and see how adventurous you are. p.2 肝脏 Listen and read, then get the main idea of the passage. The first sentence grabs the readers attention. Main characters. This passage was written in the first person. 本文的语篇类型是叙事文,个人故事,讲述了一个中英跨国家庭的饮食故事。 语篇分析 a British father a Chinese mother A Child of Two Cuisines Chinese food British food 1 How the family stays healthy by eating Chinese food. 2 What the family has done to promote Chinese food. 3 How the family cooks both Chinese and English food. 4 How the family combines food from two countries. Fast-reading Chosse the main idea of the passage. P4 Match the main idea with its corresponding paragraph. Para. 1 Dad can cook typical English food. Para. 2 I love both Chinese and British food. Para. 3 I enjoy combining Chinese and British food. Para. 4 Dad can't accept some Chinese dishes. Para. 5 I like eating the dishes made from unusual parts of some animals. Para. 6 Mum persuaded me to try stinky tofu. Careful-reading 1. Which of the following is NOT true about the writer A. He grows up in England. B. He enjoys Chinese food. C. He doesn't like stinky tofu at all. D. He also enjoys western food. Task 1 Aswer the following questions. 2. What kind of Chinese food is Dad’s favorite A. Stinky tofu B. Chicken feet C. Chinese oolong tea D. Hot pot 3. Which description is Ture about mom A. She is British and she loves British food. B. She doesn’t enjoy full English breakfast. C. She advises the author to eat roast food. D. She was born in Sichuan and she loves spicy food. 4. Where is the passage taken from A. A TV interview. B. A book review. C. A healthy report. D. A food advertisement. 一、中国饮食文化用语 chopsticks, cook spicy dishes, hot pot, eat almost every part of an animal, eat chicken feet, pigs' ears, suffer from heat inside one's body, traditional Chinese medicine, stinky tofu, a cup of Chinese oolong tea, a fine china cup… 与饮食文化相关的话题词语 语篇话题是通过话题词语体现出来的。话题词语在语篇中首要功能是从不同的 ... ...

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