
外研版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 1 Food for Thought Developing ideas课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:55次 大小:12072982Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) B2U1 Developing ideas Cold truths grains fruit vegetables sea food, meats and eggs sweets dairy products Do you eat healthily vitamin dietary fibre low-fat nutrition low-salt low-calorie high-protein Useful Words 食用纤维 Pre-reading Name the food you see in the picture. pepper/bell pepper灯笼椒 broccoli花椰菜 yogurt frozen meat sausage toast juice carrot blueberry & raspberry覆盆子 semi-finished food半成品 canned food罐头食品 radish萝卜 vacuum-packed food 真空包装食品 Read the passage and match the pictures of the fridges to their owners. While-reading Read the passage and match the pictures of the fridges to their owners. a – Jenny b – Mike c – Ted d – Max e – Ellie Activity 2 Careful reading 1. Which of the following statements is true about Ellie according to Paragraph 1 A. She is often too tired to eat at the diner. B. She doen’t like to saving part of her meal for the next day. C. Some evenings, she just has toast or yoghurt with honey. D. She thinks the way she eats is beneficial to her health. 2. How did the construction worker feel about his mum’s homemade sausages A. Very satisfied. B. Very tired C. Not mentioned D.Very disappointed 3. Why doesn’t the college student dare to let his mum see the photo A. He was living in a shared student house. B. He is too busy studying and meeting friends. C. He needs to buy fresh food. D. He doesn’t have three meals a day. 4. Who likes eating meat most according to the passage A. Ted. B. Mike. C. Max. D. Ellie. 5. Where is the passage probably from A. A magazine. B. A science fiction. C. A travel guide. D. A commercial ad. While-reading Find out who might say the sentences below. 1 “There is a lot of food from my workplace in our fridge.” 2 “You might find bean products in our fridge, but hamburgers Never!” 3 “My fridge is a total mess! All I do is party and hit the books.” 4 “There isn't really much in my fridge. I’m just too busy and tried to cook at home!” 5 “If you're someone who avoids animal products, you wouldn't find anything to eat in my fridge!” 4 2 5 1 3 Find out who might say the sentences below. 1 “There is a lot of food from my workplace in our fridge.” 2 “You might find bean products in our fridge, but hamburgers Never!” 3 “My fridge is a total mess! All I do is party and hit the books.” 4 “There isn't really much in my fridge. I’m just too busy and tried to cook at home!” 5 “If you're someone who avoids animal products, you wouldn't find anything to eat in my fridge!” hit the/one’s books: to study or begin studying very intensively集中地,强烈地 Activity 3 Which words or sentences can help you figure out the answers Ellie half empty fridge eat quick food, like toast, yoghurt Jenny don’t eat meat; dairy free make meals from fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables Ted big meat eater like homemade sausages “There isn't really much in my fridge. I’m just too busy and tried to cook at home!” “ ... ...

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