
2024年安徽中考英语单词拼写练习Day 1&2&3(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:11次 大小:42880Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024年安徽中考英语单词拼写32天练习 Day 1 核心词汇语境练 1 . China in Classics on CCTV-1 bri ngs Chinese ancient book s a (活着的)on screen . 2 . The a ( 目的) of e ducation is to teach young people to think for themselves and not fol- low others . 3 . We can see types of decorations of dragons a ( 几 乎 ) everywhere i n N ew York duri ng the Chinese N ew Year ! 4 . In China , we usually a ( 接受) a gift with both hand s . 5 . Be confident ! E veryone has the a ( 能 力)to learn new s kills . 6 . Nick went back to school as soon as he got well , for he didn,t want to be a ( 缺席的) from c lasses . 7 . Families often get together and a ( 欣 赏)the full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. 8 . Doctors a (建议)us not to watch TV or mobile phones i n the dark , because it,s very harmful to our eyes . 9 . Good news ! The Chinese Women Table Tennis Team won a gold and a silver a ( 再 次). 10. The amazing walking tools can a ( 允 许)you to walk up to 11 kilometers an hour. 熟词生义语境练 单词拼写或在横线上写出句子中黑体单词的汉 语意思 1 . She begins dancing , kicking her legs high in the a (空中). 2 . All of Shakespeare,s comedies have five a (幕). 3 . If you have any questions , you should address to your teacher. 4 . In the i nformation age , we especially need to protect our personal information . 5 . You mustn,t dri ve after dri nking wi ne . It,s against the law. Day 2 核心词汇语境练 1 . Traditional Chinese medicine suggests trying to a (避免)dri nking cold water. 2 . Du Yi , a Chinese mi niature a ( 艺术 家),used to make model s of historic buildings . 3 . All the tea plants are a ( 一直)picke d by hand in some places i n Anhui . 4 . M r. Fang introduces a lot about the proj ect which is organi zed to help wild a (动物). 5 . In a ( 古代的) China , people usually used oil-paper umbrellas on rainy days . 6 . The boy was so excited that he could hardly fall a (睡着的). 7 . Thank you for comi ng to a (参加)the graduation ceremony . 8 . Zhang Jinyuan , at the age of 94 , received this year,s International Ac hievement a (奖)because of her great contributions to nursing work. 9 . The secret of success is whenever an excellent c hance a (出现),take it. 10 . a (令人惊奇的) c hanges have taken place i n our country these years . 熟词生义语境练 单词拼写或在横线上写出句子中黑体单词的汉 语意思 1 . Presentation s kills are i mportant at school and i n other a (方面)of life . 2 . It a (似乎)that more and more young people are falling in love with fishing. 3 . A lot of students prefer a discussion to a lecture , as they can all join i n. 4 . C an you answer the phone I,m doing the dishes . 5 . Some people argue that students should be allowed to do part-time j ob s . Day 3 核心词汇语境练 1 . (2023C20 教育联盟三模)The b ( 基 本的) rules of grammar are important for us to learn E nglish well . 2. Ya Ya now has fresh b (竹子)to eat ev- ery day. 3 . The little boy b ( 开始) to cry sadly when he found his dog dead. 4 . ... ...

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