
【2024中考英语】be home 和 be at home区别和用法-语法点归纳学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:94次 大小:48414Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 be home 和 be at home的区别和用法 be home:到家 I want to be home by 6 p.m. 我想在下午6点之前回家。 He should be home from work now. 他现在应该已经下班回家了。 Let me know when you'll be home. 请告诉我你什么时候能回家。 I'll be home in an hour. 我一个小时后就能回家。 She didn't expect him to be home so early. 她没想到他会这么早就回家。 There was a fight between the two boys. 这两个男孩打过一次架。 be at home:在家 I will be at home all day tomorrow. 明天我整天都会在家。 Are you at home right now 你现在在家吗? He prefers to be at home on weekends. 他周末更喜欢呆在家里。 I'm always at home on Sundays. 我每个星期天都在家。 Don't worry, I'll be at home when you arrive. 别担心,你到达时我会在家的。 有时候电视上会看到,一个人到家了,喊一声“I'm home”, 表示通知家里人“我回来了”。 总结: be home:到家,强调回家的动作 be at home:在家,强调在家里的状态 英语这门语言很注重”动作“和”状态“的区分,而咱们中文对此区分就不那么明显,主要靠上下语境来区分。 一、翻译句子: 1. 我很快就要到家了。 ——— 2. 我明天打算在家呆着。 ——— 二、用 am, is, are 填空: 1. This _____my book. 2. The girl_____ Jack's sister. 3. _____ your brother in the classroom 4. Where ___ your brother 5. Who ____ she She _____ my sister. 6. That ____ my red cup. 7. How _____ your father 8. The jacket___ on the desk. 9. My sister's name _____Linda. 10 I _____ a student. 11. You ____ a doctor. 12. It_____ an English book. 13. They ____ cars . 14. ____ your mother in China 15. ____your friends in New York 16. What ____her name 17. These _____ buses. 18. Those _____oranges. 19.The books _____ in the bookcase. 20. Helen____ a student 21. Those jackets _____my sister’s. 22. My father _____a doctor. 23.Jack’s friend ____in the library. 24. The books _____under the table. 25.The cat _____on the desk. 26. I _____ a boy. _____ you a boy No, I _____ not. 27. Where _____my pen It _____ on the desk. 28.Where _____the books They _____in the bookcase. 29.Look! These _____ my parents and those _____ my grandparents. 30.Jenny _____ a good-looking girl. 31.My friends _____ in the library now. 32.Paris _____ beautiful at night. 33.Her hometown _____ a small village. 34._____ you from Italy 35.They _____ interested in history. 36.The Summer Camp _____ exciting. 37. _____ Judy at home 38.Tony’s parents _____ patient and thoughtful. 39.The car _____in the garage now. 40.My mother and I _____ fond of light music. 41.My neighbors _____ kind to me. 42.Math _____ difficult for me to learn well. 43. Those chairs _____ not comfortable. 44. She _____ shy and silent. 45. The bookstore and the cinema _____ on the left. 46. Class _____ over. 47. The leaves _____ brown in autumn. 48. His hobby _____ playing tennis. 49. They _____ twin sisters. 50. The dictionary _____ English-English dictionary. 51. Her job _____to clean the floor. 52. His hair _____ curly and fair. 53. The Canadian teachers _____ in the meeting hall. 54. They _____ different pictures. 55. The air in the room _____ clean. ... ...

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