

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:99次 大小:865386Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题05 匹配题 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、匹配题 (A) (2023·山东潍坊·小升初真题)A. B. C. D. E. 1.I’m very beautiful. I’m very tall with a long neck. I can get leaves from trees. ( ) 2.I’m a swimmer. I live in water. I’m also a dancer. I can dance on water. ( ) 3.I live in China. I’m quiet and cute. Bamboo is my favourite food. ( ) 4.I’m very big. I’m shy but friendly. I can help people take heavy things. ( ) 5.I live in jungle. I like eating fruit. My favourite fruit is the banana. I’m good at jumping. I can jump among trees. ( ) (B) (2023·山东济宁·小升初真题) A.I’m going to see a film. B.I went hiking. C. It’s 10 yuan. D.Yes, I did. E. I went to the nature park. 1.What did you do yesterday ( ) 2.Where did you go ( ) 3.Did you learn English ( ) 4.How much is it ( ) 5.What are you going to do tomorrow ( ) (C) (2023·山东济南·小升初真题) A.How can we get there B.What are Peter’s hobbies C. Where is the teachers’ office D.What does your mother do E. Why do you like winter 1.It’s on the first floor. ( ) 2.You can take the BRT-1 over there. ( ) 3.Because I like ice-skating. ( ) 4.He likes reading and singing. ( ) 5.She’s a doctor. ( ) (D) (2023·山东济南·小升初真题) A.I’d like some Zongzi. B.It’s at 2 p.m. on July 6th. C. They are Zhang Peng’s. D.No, there isn’t. E. It’s very pretty. 1.What would you like to eat ( ) 2.Is there an art room in your school ( ) 3.When is the party ( ) 4.Whose books are these ( ) 5.How do you like this skirt ( ) (E) (2023·山东枣庄·小升初真题)Read and choose. (为下列图片选择合适的词组。) A.go cycling B.ice-skate C. play badminton D.washed clothes 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) (F) (2023·山东济宁·小升初真题)选出与所给句子相匹配的答语。 A.Some vegetables, please. B.It's hers. C. She is strict. D.I like singing and drawing pictures. E. I went to Xinjiang. 1.What's your mother like ( ) 2.Where did you go ( ) 3.What are your hobbies ( ) 4.What would you like ( ) 5.Whose pen is it ( ) (G) (2023·山东济南·小升初真题)Read and match. (请选出相应问句的答语。) A.No, he didn’t. B.It was fine. C. He went to the Great Wall. D.Size 8. E. She went swimming. 1.What did she do yesterday ( ) 2.Did he play basketball last weekend ( ) 3.How was your weekend ( ) 4.Where did he go ( ) 5.What size are your shoes ( ) (H) (2023·山东济宁·小升初真题)给下列句子选择相应的图片。 A. B. C. D. E. 1.I felt sick yesterday. I went to a hospital. ( ) 2.My sister is going to buy a new dress. ( ) 3.My brother makes the bed every day. ( ) 4.We often make a snowman in winter. ( ) 5.They are skipping now. ( ) (I) (2023·山东滨州·小升初真题)给下面的问句找合适的答句。 A.Because I like colourful leaves. B.It’s 300 yuan. C. It’s 12 o’clock. Time to eat lunch. D.Take the No. 3 bus over there. E. I can play the erhu. F. Anna is taller. G. She works in a factory. 1.Where does your sister work ( ) 2.Why do you like autumn ( ... ...

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