

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:56次 大小:1232694Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题09 阅读理解(2) 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 (A) (2023·山东潍坊·小升初真题)Alice and Simon are talking about the future. “Will our world change a lot in the future?” Alice asks. “Well, no one knows, but it’s interesting to guess,” Simon says. “In the future, everyone is going to carry a pocket computer. Computers will help people do all kinds of things. We are going to have very small phones in our pockets too. Maybe we are going to live and work under the sea. People will build towns, farms and factories under the sea too. Machines(机器) are going to do most of the work, and people will have more holidays. We are going to fly to the moon and have our holidays there.” 1.Choose the best title(标题) for the passage. ( ) A.In the world. B.A surprise. C.Life in the future. 2._____ will do most of the work. People will have a lot of time to have holidays. ( ) A.Machines B.Phones C.Computers 3.People will build towns, farms and factories _____. ( ) A.in the sky B.under the sea C.on the moon 4.Computers will help people _____. ( ) A.cook dinner B.wash clothes C.do all kinds of things 5.We are going to have our holidays _____. ( ) A.on the moon B.on the sun C.on Mars (B) (2023·山东青岛·小升初真题) Did you watch the closing ceremony(典礼) of the Beijing Winter Games? Which part moved you most? Many people would say the “willow twig(柳枝)”. To the song Songbie, 365 people carried glowing willow twigs in their hands. This showed “a bittersweet goodbye” in a traditional and special Chinese way. In Chinese, the word for willow, “liu”, sounds like the word for “stay”. So in the old days, when two friends parted(离别), the travelling friend got a willow twig as a present. It is not “goodbye” but “see you again soon”. Many other traditional Chinese things were also parts of the Winter Games. There were 12 animal carts(手推车) in the closing ceremony. This idea came from the Chinese zodiac(十二生肖). And on Feb 4, the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games was held. The day was also Lichun, the first of the 24 Chinese solar terms. It shows the awakening of everything and the end of the cold. 1.In Chinese, the word for willow, “liu”, sounds like the word for “go”. ( ) 2.In the old days, when two friends parted, the travelling friend got a picture as a present. ( ) 3.Sending the travelling friend a willow twig means “See you again soon, dear friend!” ( ) 4.The idea of the 12 animal carts was from the 12 months. ( ) 5.The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games was held on the day of Lichun. ( ) (C) (2022·山东济南·小升初真题)This term we stayed at home more than 40 days, because of the Coronavirus(冠状病毒). From Mar. 30th we couldn’t go to school. We had on-line classes every day. We learned at home. We did homework at home until May 15th. What a long time! Now we can go to school every day. But there are some changes. Please look at the Notice Board. ... ...

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