
小学英语人教版(PEP)四年级上册 Unit 3 My Friends Part A 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:30次 大小:47572902Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    A Learn P25哆啦A梦Hello, boys and girls. I’m Daxiong (大雄)They are my friends.Who is he ? His name is Panghu. He is…tall He is strong. He is tall and strong.Who is he ? His name is Xiaofu. He is…shortthinHe is short and thin.friend friendly友好的She is friendly. She is quiet. She is friendly and quiet.文静的,安静的Who is she?Her name is Amy. She is _____ .friendlyfriendlylet\'s learnWho is he?His name is Sam.He is _____ .quietquietWho is John’s friend?JohnMikeZhang PengAmySarahSamJohn’s friend is _____.Zhang PengHe is _____ .tall and strongJohn is _____ .short and thinAmy is _____ .friendlySam is _____ .quietLook at the video carefully and answer the questions. 仔细看视频,回答问题。Do you know them?(你认识他们吗?)Let’s play a game!Guess who they are?(猜猜他们是谁?)He is my friend. He is tall and strong. Who is he?返回His name is Dai ChichengHe is my friend .He is short and thin.返回Who is he ?His name is Cao Shuang.返回She is short and thin.She is friendly.Who is she ?She is my friend.Her name is Cai Yujia.返回She is my friend.She is quiet and friendly.Who is she ?Her name is Yan Jiaxin.返回She is my friend.She is short and thin.She is quiet.Who is she ?Her name is Zhuo Yue.返回She is my friend.She is tall and thin.She is friendly.Who is she ?Her name is Qing Ru.I have a good friend.He/She is _____.His/Her name is _____.Group workIntroduce your good friend 向大家介绍一下你班里的好朋友小组活动let\'s chant!Now chant about your friends!Zhang Peng is my friend. He’s a good, good boy. He’s tall and strong. He’s a good, good boy.Sarah is my friend. She’s a cute, cute girl. She’s nice and friendly. She’s a cute, cute girl.Make a chant for your friend.仿照例子,为你的好朋友也编一个chant吧___ is my friend. He’s a ___, ____ boy. He’s ___ and ____. He’s a ___, ___ boy._____ is my friend. She’s a ___, ____ girl. She’s ___ and ____. She’s a ___, ___ girl.tall, short, thin, strong, friendly, quiet, cute, coolA?life?without?a?friend?is?a?life?without?a?sun.?? 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。 ??A?life?without?a?friend?is?a?life?without?a?sun.?? 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。 ??Friends should help each other! (朋友之间应该互相帮助!)Good bye!

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