

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:10次 大小:5071518Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Mom tied the be bb onrist(手腕).I imagined the scene(场面)where Mom tried her best to overcome (her fears and pick up her courage to make a d peecha decided to nd mcou Inron ofthe kept practicing from pronunciation to tones,even gestures."Try harder,"I cheered myself up when I felt tired. The next day,I walked to the front of the classroom to give my speech again. Suddenly courae ounday back the momentI niced the blueibbon.Itookadep breath and started my speechpear cmteI found Mr.Roberts stndingi the comer smiling at me and I smiled back.The whole class cheered for me.This time,I knew I found my courage. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 )26.What did Mr.Roberts offer to the writer after her first speech A.A second chance. B.Praise for her progress. C.Notes about successful speeches. D.The final result of her project. )27.What did the blue ribbon stand for A.Mom's fear of speeches. B.Memories of Mom's youth C.Friendships in the speech team. D.Mom's success in overcoming her fears )28.Which of the following words can describe the writer's mom A.Wise and patient. B.Strict and calm. C.Active and clever. D.Polite and cheerful )29.What gave the writer courage along with the blue ribbon A.Practicing harder. B.Reading Mom's book C.Talking with her classmates. D.Sharing with Mr.Roberts. )30.What can we learn from the text A.Pride goes before a fall. B.All roads lead to Rome. C.Many hands make light work. D.Feel the fear and do it anyway. 0 Imagine that a small plastic ball is flying through the air and you need to hit it back to your partner,or partners.Pickleball-it's a kind of new sport.It has been described as a combination of tennis,badminton and table tennis. Recently,many people are listening to their hearts and picking up this game.In the UK,there are around 7,000 players,according to Pickleball England.But the association ()plans to have more than 25,000 players by 2025 and is even trying to get the sport played in the 2028 Olympics. So,why is it popular Firstly,it can be played indoors or outdoors and it can be played as a singles or doubles game.Also the rules are easy to understand.Besides,it appears to be a game for all ages.The round ball is light in weight because it's full of holes.This means that,when hitting,there is much less impact (on the body than when hitting a tennis ball.for example.Elaine Brown,who isin her 50s and acrazy pickleball player,tod why she ovehrsgood exerise.It can be as hardseasy as you want it to be,and most of the time it's just good fun." And the game has been atracting players around the world,creating a number of pickdeball ovr like Bl Gates.o,f you want to have a try,find your cickeba playground and give it a go! (二) 英语第4页(共8页)

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