
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:97次 大小:37646603Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period 2 Reading and Thinking (1) Understand how a problem was solved Heritage is our legacy from the past. 01 通过运用阅读策略“制作时间线”来获取、梳理阅读文本中的主要信息,将信息结构化,从而理解文章脉络; 02 基于自主学习与小组合作学习,归纳文本的篇章结构,进一步分析和理解文本并综合概括阿斯旺水坝项目中问题解决的方法和过程; 03 在深入理解文本的基础上,就阿斯旺水坝项目中反映出来的文物保护的必要性、保护措施及文物保护的意义发表个人观点。 学 习 目 标 (1) What can you see in the photos (2) What style are they in (3) Are they cultural relics What happened to them Ancient statues. Egyptian style. Yes, they are. Picture 1: taken apart into pieces; Picture 2: become complete again. Look at the photos, and discuss: Warming-up & Pre-reading From problems to solutions Look at the title and photos, what do you think the text is mainly about Warming-up & Pre-reading What topic does this text focus on What example is introduced about the text topic 修正预测 Find a balance between economic development and protection of cultural relics. Egyptian Aswan Dam project. 1st reading Scan to find the key information or sentence of each paragraph. Para. 1: Para. 2: Para. 3: Para. 4: Para. 5: Para. 6: Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. The Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam but the proposal led to protests. A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. The project brought together government and environmentalists from around the world. When the project ended, it was considered a great success. The spirit of the project is still alive today. 2nd reading 思考: 把各段核心句串联起来读,你有什么发现? (1) Why did the Egyptian government attempt to build the dam (2) Why the building dam led to protests (3) What problem did Egyptian government face How did the government deal with the problem To control floods, produce electricity, supply water to more farmers. It likely damage and destroy local cultural relics. Balancing economic development and protection of cultural relics. It turned to the UN for help. 2nd reading (4) How did UN deal with this problem It established a committee and the committee asked for contributions, raised funds and made a proposal after investigation. They were taken down piece by piece and then moved and put back together again in a safe place. They donated money to this project. (5) How were the temples and other cultural sites saved (6) How did other countries help deal with this problem 2nd reading (7) What’s the spirit of the Aswan Dam project (8) How did Egypt benefit from Aswan Dam project If a problems seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can provide a solution. It found a path to the future that didn't run over the relics of the past. 2nd reading Learn & Collect Aswan Project ... ...

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