
译林版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 4 Living with technology Extended reading 课件(共19张PPT,内镶嵌音频)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:39次 大小:49066208Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Past Today Extended reading Susan, an industry-leading tech magazine editor, is interviewing Frank, an expert in virtual reality (VR). Read the interview transcript below. Genre (type of text)? Qian Xuesen (1911-2009) the history of VR in China interviewer interviewee structure _____ _____ _____ _____ Introduction Applications Barriers Future Q3 structure 1.What is the definition of VR 2. How does it work First, you need to wear a _____ equipped with sensors and a screen. Then, you will be surrounded by _____ information which part of your brain believes is real. VR headset sensory Reality that is not real. structure details — introduction (Lines 1-9) In what fields can VR be used? Any other fields structure details — applications (Lines10-42 ) Which one interests you most … structure details — applications (Lines10-42 ) … FRANK: It really boils down to three things———time, cost and technical limitations. We will need time to develop and fine-tune the hardware and software. The initial cost will discourage most people in the beginning but that should be fixed over time. The last issue is our own technical limitations. Just trying to figure out how to do what we want in terms of technology will prove challenging in some areas. What are the barriers Technical limitations Cost Time structure details — barriers (Lines43-50 ) Apple Vision Pro A.$ 3,499 B. $ 99 structure SUSAN: Considering there are so many challenges to deal with, are you still optimistic about the future of VR FRANK: Sure. When talking about VR, we should keep in mind its quick rate of evolution. The possibilities seem endless. For example, 5G technology, with its potential to serve up more stable mobile connectivity at faster speed, will make it possible for people to enjoy a more immersive VR experience wherever they are. Indeed we are only limited by our imagination. What excites me the most is that young people today are digital citizens who are comfortable with technology. They’re well equipped to become part of a technological generation that will develop and use VR to do things we might think impossible today. What is Frank’s attitude towards the future of VR Why is Frank still optimistic about the future Do you think Frank has helped you understand VR better structure details — future (Lines51-61 ) A clear structure (Line 12)There are a host of educational applications…. (Line 45)It really boils down to three things—time, cost and technical limitations. …. Giving topic sentences (Line 18)The applications can be….. visualize data such as engineering.. (Line 54) The possibilities seem endless. For example, 5G technology, with its potential to… Giving examples Speaking skills Introduction (What/How) Applications Barriers Future How does Frank introduce VR to readers clearly techniques techniques SUSAN: Frank, you’ve been working at the forefront of developments in virtual reality for many years. ... ...

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