

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:51次 大小:423628Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教新目标八年级下册期中专项练习:根据单词首字母填空 1.The boy is too young. He has to d on his parents. 2.This group was set up to help d people like the blind or the deaf. 3.After getting seriously ill, you will r the importance of health. 4.Hobbies can help you d your interest and help you learn new skills. 5.When I help others, I always get such a strong feeling of s . 6.I was c shocked by his answer and deeply moved by his actions. 7.It’s time to go b to school now. 8.Your temperature is 39.1℃. You have a high f . 9.Let’s just relax and enjoy o on the weekend after a week of study and work. 10.My sister is always strict with h . 11.There are many pieces of w outside the small house. It is easy to catch fire. 12.A it’s hot outside, the workers still keep working there. 13.To keep making a push on the project of Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor(走廊), Chengdu researchers c studying on Bashu culture. 14.I c agree with your opinion about the book. Your opinion is right. 15.My pen is b . Could I borrow yours 16.The team members are working together to finish a scientific research p given by their teacher. 17.Jack h school days because he has to get up early. 18.Now more and more young teachers v to teach in the countryside. 19.Lucy needs some water, can you p her the bottle 20.My parents don’t a me to use the cell phone without asking them. 21.To be b means he or she is not able to see. 22.Foreigners are surprised to see many great d of China. 23.We must be q , or we can’t catch the early bus. 24.I felt so c and warm in bed that I didn’t want to get up. 25.The sun p us with light and heat. We can’t live without it. 26.In my o we can’t play computer games for long. 27.They didn’t talk about it later. They just finished dinner in s . 28.Bears are not as dangerous as people i them to be. 29.Please think t before you call him back. 30.I will help our teacher to o the school party. 31.Donkeys look l horses, but donkeys are smaller than horses. 32.The little boy’s clock was broken. He f it up yesterday and now it works again. 33.N of my parents is a doctor. They are both teachers. 34.Tony and I go to help the d children every Saturday. 35.Sometimes, I like to s off my brain, sit back and watch a movie to relax myself. 36.We all love John because of his k to everyone. 37.Texas is usually very hot and sunny c to many other places. 38.My son likes football. He goes to football t every Sunday afternoon. 39.He has a fever. You’d better take his t first. 40.Why not learn some safety tips to protect y away from danger, kids 41.The old man didn’t a to go to the hospital. He said he felt much better. 42.Many readers believe that Lin Daiyu died of a b heart. 43.W you do, you must try your best to do it well. 44.Linda arrived late for school yesterday, and she e to the teacher that she was ill. 45.I h it when people talk with their mouths full. 46.C ... ...

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