

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:36次 大小:5474083Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    四川成都卷 2023-2024学年八年级英语下学期新课标(核心素养)期中复习冲击满分系列(仿真模拟) A 卷 (共100分) 第一部分 听力 (共30小题;计30分) 一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。(共5小题;每题1分,计5分) 1.A.He was born in 1978. B.She swims really fast. C.He is very strong. 【答案】A 【原文】When was he born 2.A.I am sweeping the floor. B.I was watering the flowers. C.I washed the clothes. 【答案】B 【原文】What were you doing when you heard the news 3.A.Yes, you can. B.Sorry, I can’t. C.Thank you. 【答案】A 【原文】Could I play football with them, Mom 4.A.OK, thank you! B.Don’t worry about him. C.I’m 7 years old. 【答案】A 【原文】You should go and see a doctor. 5.A.I have a headache. B.Let me fix it up for you. C.I taught you English. 【答案】B 【原文】Excuse me. Mike. My bike is broken. 二 、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。(共5小题;每题1分,计5分) B. C. D. E. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 【答案】 6.C 7.E 8.B 9.D 10A 【原文】 6. My mother made a pizza for me. 7. Tom and Jerry is my favourite cartoon. 8. Mike has got a toothache. 9. My parents and I went to Paris last summer vacation. 10. Scientists have sent spaceships to Mars. 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。(共10小题;每题1分,计10分) 11.A.Playing outside. B.Cleaning his bike. C.Watering flowers. 【答案】C 【原文】W: Hi, James. I called you just now, but there was no answer. M: Oh, sorry, Gina. I was watering flowers in the garden. Q: What was James doing when Gina called him 12. A.Only half an hour. B.About an hour. C.About two hours. 【答案】B 【原文】W: What were you doing at six o’clock yesterday evening M: I was doing my homework. It took me about sixty minutes to finish my homework. Q: How long did it take the boy to finish his homework 13.A.Zhu Bajie. B.Sun Wukong. C.Tang Seng. 【答案】B 【原文】W: John, who do you like best in Journey to the West M: Sun Wukong. Q: Who does John like best 14.A.At the airport. B.At the bus station. C.At the train station. 【答案】B 【原文】W: Excuse me. Can my dog take the bus with me M: Yes. Guide dogs can get on the bus with passengers. Q: Where are the speakers 15.A.Have a good rest. B.Take some medicine. C.See a doctor. 【答案】C 【原文】W: I have a fever and a headache. I feel terrible, Dad. M: Don’t worry, dear. Let’s go to the doctor right now. Q: What will the girl do 16.A.Nervous. B.Excited. C.Angry. 【答案】A 【原文】W: Could you have a talk with me I’m quite nervous now. M: Take it easy. You have prepared so well and I’m sure you can do a great job. Q: How does the girl feel now 17.A.Washing clothes. B.Cooking meals. C.Cleaning the rooms. 【答案】B 【原文】W: Hello, Jim! Do you like to do chores M: Well, I don’t like most of the chores, but I like cooking very much. Question: What does Jim like doing 18.A.At 7:15. B.At 7:30. C.At 8:00. 【答案】B 【原文】W: We’ll start at 8 o’clock. Let’s meet at half past seven. OK M: OK. See you! Question: When will the two students ... ...

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