
Unit 4 After-School Activities.Lesson 24 How was Your Weekend?

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:63次 大小:17223Byte 来源:二一课件通
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通渭县义务教育阶段集体备课导学案 备课人:王想来 学区(校)审核: 崔建军 中心教研组审核:陈景辉 局领导审核: 教材 冀教版英语 年级下册 授 课 时 间 主讲人 授 课 班 级 总第24 课时 课 题 Lesson 24 How Was Your Weekend 课时安排 One 课型 New lesson 教学目标 1、Master the following words:everybody, yummy2、Common phrases:hav e a great/ good weekend, take a bus, It’s … away from…3、Get students to know how to make a telephone call correctly. 教学重点 Get students to know how to make a telephone call correctly. Vocabulary and patterns in this lesson 教学难点 It’s … away from… 教学方法 Reading、listening、Teaching、questions and answers 教学资源 Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 调整与思考 教学过程设计教学过程设计 Step I Class Opening (5 minutes) GreetingT: Good morning, class! How are you today Ss: Good morning, Miss Gui! Fine, thank you. And you T: I’m fine, too. ReviewHave a dictation about the words and phrases in last lesson.Step II New Concepts (24 minutes)Lead-inT: What did you do last weekend S1: I played the piano.S2: I played volleyball with my friends.S3: I drew at home.S4: I read a book at the library.…T: What are you going to do next weekend S1: I’m going to stay home.S2: I’m going to watch a movie with my friends.S3: I’m going to read a book at home.S4: I’m going to practice English.…2. PresentationAsk the students to read the title of Lesson 24 and discuss.T: What tense is the title in (Help the students answer this question.)Ss. It’s in the past tense.T: Very good. Now how to answer S1: I had a good time.T: Wonderful! How is your weekend going S2: I’m having a good time.T: That’s right.Write the sta tements I had a great weekend, I’m having a great weekend, I’m going to / will have a great weekend on the blackboard. Ask the students to identify the tense for every statement.T: Please lool at the PPT6-8. What’s she doing Ss: She is making donuts.T: What are they doing Ss: They are climbing a mountainT: Look at the cake. Wow! It looks yummy!.3.Listening Let’s Do It ! do N o 1. Listen and match the pictures with the questions.Discuss the answers as a class.4. Future study of the text1). Read the tex t by yourselves,please, and try to finish Let’s Do It ! do No 2 -4.Ss should check a nd correct their answers in groups. Then discuss the answers as a class.2). Language points.PPT15-16Step III Practice (15minutes) PPT17-19Step IV Class Closing (1 minute)Let’s see our homework for today. GreetingsWritingQuestions and answersReadingListeningchecked 作 业 1、Do the exercises in English supporting exercise copy.2、Try to write about y our activities of last weekend and your plan for the next weekend.3、review the next lesson. 板书设计 Lesson 24 How Was Your Weekend Mountain climbing is so funOn the bus 教学反思

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