

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:14次 大小:431107Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024年中考英语二轮复习专题-感叹句(广东专用) 感叹句 what 引导: What + (a/an) +adj. +n.+(主语+谓语!) What a funny story ! ①_____ a beautiful city! ②What _____(interest) books they are! How引导: How + adj./adv. + 主语(n. /pron. ) +谓语! How high my butterfly flies! ①How _____(good) he plays the violin! ②How _____(care) the girl is! 答案:what;interesting well;careful 简单句的基本类型 (l) S+V :John works in a shop. ①Jane often _____(运动). ②Mandy _____( study) hard last term. (2) S +P :Wang Yiyi is an excellent artist. ①Confidence is half victory. ②Harry feels _____( excite ). (3) S +V +O :She opened the door. ①My father _____( watch) TV every day. ②Sam _____( visit) his grandpa yesterday. (4) S +V+O +O : Jim bought me a hat. ①Music brings _____(they) joy and peace. ②Dad _____( pass) me a sandwich just now. (5) S +V +O +C :One day ,the teacher told her to take a test. ①We can use computers _____(calculate). ②Bob invites me _____( dance) with him. (6)存现句: There be +主语+状语 : There is a tree behind the shop. ①There ___(be) a mountain in the village. ②There ____(be) many books in the library. 答案:exercises;studied excited watches;visited them;passed to calculate;to dance is;are 考向一:感叹句在语法选择中的运用 分析广东省卷近4年中考真题可知,在语法选择中,感叹句考查了2次,考查了how引导的感叹句。针对该考查点的解题,我们需要判断感叹句的引导词是用what还是how。 例:Everything was magical.  35  excited David was!(2023广东中考) (  )35. A. How  B. What  C. What an 分析句子结构可知,此句是how引导的感叹句,其结构为:How+形容词+主语+谓语!故用How。 例:“Wow!”she cried proudly.“ 39  high my butterfly flies!” (2020广东,语法选择) A.What  B.What a  C.What an  D.How D 分析句子,本题考感叹句的用法,去掉主谓my butterfly flies,句末一词high是形容词或副词用how 考向二:感叹句在完成句子中的运用 分析广州近6年中考真题可知,在完成句子中,考查了6次感叹句,其中3次考查how引导的感叹句,3次考查what引导的感叹句。 1. how引导的感叹句。 例:学校科学日很精彩。凯特的小组真高兴啊! The school Science Day was wonderful. _____ _____ Kate's group were!(2022广州中考) 此处要填两个单词,第二个空格后接主语(Kate's group),主语前无名词,用how引导的感叹句,故填How happy。 2. what引导的感叹句。 例:他们还赢得了广东省飞镖比赛冠军。多么棒的项目啊! They won the Championship of Guangdong Darts Match, too. _____ _____ _____project it is! (2023广州中考) 此处要填三个单词,第三个空格后接可数名词单数,主语为it,用what引导的感叹句,且wonderful的读音以辅音音素/w/开头,故填What a wonderful。 考向三: 特殊疑问句、选择疑问句在回答问题中的运用 分析广东省卷近3年中考真题可知,在回答问题中,特殊疑问词主要考查what(3年4考)、who/whom(3年3考)、when(3年3考)、where(3年2考)、how(3年1考)、how often(3年1考)、which(3年1考)。2022年和2023年都考查了选择疑问句。 例:Dreams may help you deal with worries and fears. What has happened during the day may be painful. While you are sleeping, however, the brain will replay the painful memories in a safe dream space. There the bad me ... ...

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