ID: 20032930

六年级英语阅读课chongqing people大单元整体教学与教材融合设计新课标优质课(河南郑州校本课程)(共30张PPT)

日期:2025-03-14 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:86次 大小:284246784B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) What do you think of me Hello everybody, this is me. My name's Van. Hello,Van. We all like you! Do you like me Where I’m a teacher. A nice job. Where are you from Where I'm from Fengdu. What can you do A beautiful place. What What I teach you knowledge. That's my deed. “Loving students” is my faith. I am friendly. Name: Job: Place: Deed: Faith: Van a teacher Fengdu teach knowledge loving students Personality: friendly 1.I know who makes Chongqing better. 我知道是谁让重庆变得更和平、美丽、更好。 2.I can understand the passage and change the information into a mind map. 我能读懂文本,能利用思维导图整合信息。 3.I can finish a profile card and introduce it to others. 我能完成人物简介卡,并能向他人介绍。 4.I will try my best to make Chongqing/China better. 我会努力让家乡/祖国变得更好。 After the trip What's the video about Chongqing in 1942 Chongqing in 1958 Who makes Chongqing peaceful and beautiful 谁让重庆变得和平和美好? Chongqing in 2023 peaceful (和平的) beautiful Pioneer Hall Tip: We can guess the meaning from the pictures. 我们可以根据图片猜测词义。 What does "pioneer" mean A. 先驱者 B. 建设者 C. 后继者 Pioneers(思先驱) Builders(学模范) Inheritors(畅未来) God of the army(军神) 1.Read and find out "Making China peaceful" was his faith(信念). So he joined in many wars. In Fengdu war, he hurt his right eye. People called him"God of the army". He's Liu Bocheng. He's from Kaizhou. He is a general. 自读手册第1页,找出人物简介前五项的答案。 Tip: We can underline the key words. 我们可以用横线勾画关键词。 Where What ... Pioneers(思先驱) Builders(学模范) Inheritors(畅未来) God of the army(军神) "Making China peaceful" was his faith(信念). So he joined in many wars. In Fengdu war, he hurt his right eye. People called him"God of the army". He's Liu Bocheng. He's from Kaizhou. He is a general. Liu Bocheng Kaizhou general Making China peaceful joined in many wars What happened in Fengdu war What do you think of him 你认为他怎么样? I think he is_____. Because_____. generals Tip: We can infer his personality from the details. 我们根据细节推测人物品格。 2. Let’s check faithful, brave... Pioneer Hall They all fought for their faith--making China peaceful. They are faithful ,brave... Chongqing in 1942 Chongqing in 1958 Chongqing in 2023 peaceful (和平的) beautiful Pioneers made Chongqing peaceful. Who makes Chongqing beautiful Pioneers(思先驱) Builders(学模范) Inheritors(畅未来) building worker What does "builder" mean A.先驱者 B.建设者 C.后继者 Tip:We can guess the meaning from the structure of the word. (可以根据构词法猜测词义) build a house build a road build er Pioneers(思先驱) Builders(学模范) Inheritors(畅未来) He is Mao Xianglin. He is from Wushan. He is a farmer. "Making his village beautiful" was his faith.So he built a road with the villagers. It took them 7 years to built an 8-kilometer road.People called him"Model of Times". 1.Read ,underline t ... ...

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