
2024年中考英语二轮复习突破-选词填空 (上海专用)(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:406861Byte 来源:二一课件通
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选词填空22篇 (2024·上海青浦·二模) A.awful B.temperatures C.energy D.average E.record Summer is just around the corner. When you spend time outside, you’ll experience the hot weather. According to the 1 , we are seeing the hottest summer. It’s more important than ever to know how to keep cool. Being hot is really 2 . Sometimes, it can lead to illness. That’s one danger of long heat waves. If nighttime 3 also rise, they give people less time to cool down. Your body responds to heat in many ways. One is by sweating. Another is by releasing heat. Your body works hard to stay cool. Staying cool uses 4 . It is necessary to help your body deal with heat. (2024·上海青浦·二模) A.prevent B.protect C. experts D.especially E. actually You can get used to heat. You can train for the hot weather. Going somewhere hot Some 5 recommend an hour outside every day, leading up to it. They suggest other methods to help 6 heat illness. Avoid heavy exercise in the middle of the day. The sun’s rays cause your skin to darken. Wear loose, lightweight clothing. Cover up with clothes. It can 7 your skin like sunscreen does. It’s important to stay hydrated (含水的). Drink lots of water, 8 when you’re sweating. We lose electrolytes (电解质) in sweat. Look for drinks that replace them. If you are outside, find some shade. And always go inside if you are feeling too hot. Following these tips will help you enjoy your summer safely. (2024·上海松江·二模)将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。 A.create B.deal C. effect D.major E. producers ● Earthworms are doing their part Do you know that earthworms (蚯蚓) help to make healthy soil Many scientists think they play a 9 role in growing our food. New research has found that the animals help grow 65% of the world’s rice. They make themselves one of the world’s greatest rice 10 . How do the earthworms have the 11 on soil Worms make soil healthier by eating dead plants. As they eat the plants, they make something other plants need in order to grow. Worms also help soil keep water, and their movements 12 tunnels that help plants grow roots. However, some scientists believe other living things in the soil can also do the similar things as the earthworms. They think more research is needed. A.different B.experiment C. respond D.successfully E. survive ● Wild elephants can solve puzzles Recently scientists have found that wild elephants can solve puzzles with no training after the elephants in zoos were seen 13 solving problems. Researchers at a wildlife area in Thailand set up puzzle boxes with three compartments (间隔). Each compartment was filled with jackfruit and opened in a 14 way. By using cameras, the scientists watched 77 Asian elephants to see what they would do. By the end of the 15 , they found that 11 elephants were able to get the fruit from one compartment, eight got into two compartments, and five solved all three puzzles to get the treats. Elephants that returned to try ... ...

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