

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:480687Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023学年第一学期七年级英语9月单元练习听力文字及答案 Listening Materials and Keys I. Listen and choose the right picture. 1. Linda and Kitty visited the Great Wall during their stay in Beijing. 2. Mrs Jackson always helps sick animals in a clinic. 3. Police dogs can help the police catch thieves. 4. Peter is asking about the trip to the USA at the travel agent’s. 5. Mary always plays with her kitten and takes care of it. II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.8% 1. M: How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Nanjing W: If you travel by train, it will take you two and a half hours. M: I will go there by car. W: It takes you more than four hours to travel to Nanjing by car. Q: How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Nanjing by car 2. M: Look at these Kitten, Alice. Aren’t they lovely W: Yes, they are. I like the white one very much. What about you, Peter M: I think the brown one is cute, but I prefer the black and yellow one. Q: Which cat does Alice like 3. W: What did Uncle Jack say in his letter M: He invited us to go to Chongqing to visit their family during the summer holidays. W: How exciting! Let’s tell Mum about it. Q: What will the girl probably do next 4. W: David, how many times do you do exercise every week M: I practice running every Tuesday, play badminton every Thursday and play football with my friends every Saturday and Sunday. Q: How many times does David do exercise every week 5. W: May I borrow this CD from you, Jimmy M: Sorry, Kitty. It isn’t mine. W: Whose CD is it M: It’s Bill’s. He lives next to my house. Q: Who is Bill 6. M: How much do those two baskets cost W: It’s 50 yuan for each. M: 50 yuan for each It’s too expensive. I want to buy two for those homeless dogs. W: You are so kind. You can pay 60 yuan for two. Q: How much are the two baskets at last 7. M: Look at that bridge. It’s so beautiful. W: It must have a long history. M: Here is a sign. It was built in 1940. W: Wow. It has a history of 80 years. Q: When was the bridge built 8 W: Look! That dog is so cute. Let’s give it some food to eat. M: No, we shouldn’t. Have you seen that sign It is a guide dog. It is at work now. The gentleman behind it is a blind people. Q: What kind of dog is it III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.6% All the students in Mrs. Wang’s class are happy this morning because they received a letter from Paul. Paul taught them English every Thursday last year. He went back to the United States last summer and started teaching at a high school in New York. He told students that all the students in his class now want to make friends with Chinese students and they are interested in China. Now students are talking about the letter. They want to be penfriends with Paul’s new students now. They also want to invite American students to visit China one day. IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Guide dogs are the “eyes” for ... ...

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