

日期:2024-06-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:33次 大小:2690907Byte 来源:二一课件通
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( )29. What should cildren do before they 840 bed? A Take a walk. B. De some rending C.Takea shower ( )33.Wu Gangrun learms to danceby . . .at frst. ( )30. Who does the wrier want 10 write the pa8sage for? A watchingTV B. watching online videos. c. going 0 dance dlubs. A. Children. B. Pronts. C. Teachers. ( )34. The underind word "They" in Paragraph3 refers (指化to. A. th two teachers. B. the gir's parcnts. C. the girl's friends, ( )31. Whar's the main主要的) idca othe pass? ()35. What can we lear sbout we Gangyun from tbe passgr? A Parents meed to nak children to go to bed early. A Her moher has a fruit shop. B. Children must have a good braktust before going 4 scbool. B. Her parcats sced her to the dance casses. C Parents shoud do something to hedp childre get to scheal on time. C. To be a dancer is her dream. ( )32. The structure (结构) of tbe pssgeiss . _ (p=Paragrapb) ( )30. The best title of the pasage may be“ ". A. Ww Gangyun's L讹B. AShow mCCTV. C. Wu Gangyun's Drean or Dancing. 回 (二)阅读下列短文,极据矩文内容,从下列法项中选出能填入空自处的最佳选项。选项中 回向间间间回间包 有一项为多余选项。 回 A C. AhIr's a sider购蛛) What wlou do?_ 37 Or, wil you keare it aoc不管它) and let it live its life, just like us? D It you don't know the right asnm, think of yourselr a tbe sider A video (规颊) of a girl dancing at油pork (绪肉) shop gets popular on the Internet. In the Do you wunt someone to kil you just beause they thinkyou art scany? vrideo, ber mother is busy cttig那(勃) pork while the girl is danting 器 Tbe i i Wu Gpgun, She lives in Maduo Vllge of Yanshan S0 wby do we teat对持)spiders aad other Iring thing生物that County (母) in Yunnn. Wu's father is a driver snd her mother hus a may? We shouldn't Instad, we should treat them with roec尊监。 pork sbop. Wu loves daocing and sbe dreams to be a dancer. She sturts The Earth i a wonderful place. It has 9 maoy ditercaet plan&, to learn to dance at the ge of six. She just teches herself by watching alinals, and pecplt. AlI liring things are明he plant for国rason(原因), Each of them is oline (网上的videos. Every day after schol, Wu gous师her mother's specin特殊的) and bhas its job I0du. - 39 Animals 赋ctber snim出to keep everting shop恒pretice dancingn in order井然有序)。AI lit. ot just people's lte is important._地We need to care for Secing their daugher's love of dance, Wu's parents want ber to go to danee chss. But them, t0. that may ce键a lot of money and the famly can't Pa forC支付) them. Luckily Zhang Ping and A Idor't hinkso. Gunn Yu, tmo teacbers from a dance shool, see Wu's vide. Thr late 日program顶 B. Ler's try to protct our world, 即-Colorful Cloud Propran" t help childrea in vlges change their lives They think Wu C Wlyou ki it bocause i's seary? is goed n dancing nnd they want to teac her. Wu learns n lot from the teachers. In 2019, she D. So, we need to repeet all liring things gare a show on CCTV . E. Trees ckan the air and bres hdlp Dowers growr. 七年级英语试题第5页(共10页) 七年缓 ... ...

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