

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:72次 大小:6766343Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Subject:Plan for the trip Date:01/03 9:08 p.m. Pro·Fro To:Jenny@compmail.ca A.Interested. 53.How did Mike feel without the phone C.He talked on the phone. A.He slept at home. A.Her family. 套 ◆邻 Cindy they do it 发语说音称。所(投12期) B.Bored. 52.What did Eric do on Sunday afternoon 51.Who did Cindy spend her weekend with C.Scared D.He had a basketball game. B.He went to the library. B.Her friends.C.Her classmates.D.Her phone. on it.How terrible!I must get out of it. couldn't.I was bored,so I picked it up and played games I wanted to have one day without the phone.but I phone at night,but I was very tired and got to slep quickly. a basketball game.I wanted to talk with my friends on the to the library with my friend Jack.And in the afternoon,I had I didn't use my phone on Sunday.In the morning,I went and I forgot my phone. D.Tired mountains,and we camped there.It was so much fun, park with my family.We enjoyed the beautiful I spent two days without the phone.I went to the MrSmt sked ersendthe eekend wthuhoe.Could 些 谢2023—2024学年度第一学期七年级期中调研考试 七年级英语参考答案及评分标准 评分标准:1-50小题,每小题1分,计50分;51-65小题,每小题2分,计30分。 1—5.ABABA 6—10.ABCAA 11—15.CABCA 16—20.CABBA 21—25.ABBCB 26.playground 27.fruit 28.sand 29.camels 30.8496696 31—35.CDDCB 36—40.ACCCB 41--45 CADBD 46--50 BACBC 51—55.ADBBB 56—60.DBADA 61—65.CADCB Ⅸ. 66. go to school/have spend 67.forget school lessons 68.228 days. 69.Not everyone likes the idea of a long school year. 70.Yes, I do. To read books, make some study plans, finish the teacher’s homework... (肯定回答且给出1--2建议,都得满分;只肯定回答没有建议,得1分;答否定,不得分。) 评分标准:①每小题2分,计10分。②凡与答案不符,但所填内容与答案意思相近且与题目要求相符者,可酌情给分。有关语法及拼写(包括大小写)等错误酌情扣分。 Ⅹ. 71.going 72.about 73.but 74.first 75.helpful 76.reading 77.relaxed 78.finishes 79.colourful 80.a 评分标准:①每小题1分,计10分。②凡与答案不符,但所填词语与题目要求相符者,可酌情给分。 Ⅺ. A)81. I take part in the long jump. 82. How do you practice by yourself 83. What beautiful flowers they are! 84. Who did she go with 85. I can’t wait to play music. 评分标准:每小题1分,计5分。与答案不符者不给分。 B)86. One possible version: There are many interesting clubs in our school and they make our school life more colorful. Look, in the dance club some students are dancing to the music happily. Some students are playing the instruments in the music club. And in the sports club students are playing football. We love these clubs because they make us relax and also they are good for us.What's more, we can make a lot of new friends. 评分标准:满分15分,可分5档赋分 第一档:语言表达准确,内容充实,无明显语法错误,书写美观,赋12―15分。 第二档:语言表述基本准确,内容较充实,有少量语法错误,书写整齐,赋8-11分。 第三档:语言表述不够准确,有较多语法错误,书写较差,赋5-7分。 第四档:语言表述不准确,大量语法错误影响意义表达,书写差,赋3-4分。 第五档:无任何英语描述, ... ...

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