

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:60750Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高级中学2023-2024学年第二学期期中测试 初二英语 注意事项: 1、答题前,考生务必将在答题卡写上姓名、班级,准考证号用2B 铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2、 每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动用橡皮 擦干净后,再涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷上。 3、考试结束,监考人员将答题卡收回。 1.听力测试(15题,每小题1分,共15分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 听下面5段对话,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。每段对话仅读 一遍。 ( )1.What is Eric doing A.Mending a bike. B.Having lunch. C.Watching TV. ()2.What time does the museum open A.9:00. B.9:30. C.10:00. ()3.What's the weather like now A.Sunny B.Windy. C.Rainy. ()4.How often does Peter play basketball . A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Every day ()5.Where does the conversation probably take place A.In a.hotel. B.In a library C.In a shop 第二节(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 听下面对话或独白,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。每段对话读 两遍。 听下面一段较长对话,回答6-7两个问题。 ( )6.What does the woman ask Jason to do A.Make dinner. B.Play computer games. C.Take out the rubbish. ()7.What's the probable relationship between the speakers A.Classmates. B.Mother and son C.Neighbors. 听下面·段较长对话,回答8-10三个问题。 ()8.Why did Jenny go to South Africa A.To learn English. B.To go on a holiday. C.To be a volunteer teacher. ( )9.What is Jenny like now A.Shy but brave B.Active and outgoing. C.Quiet and helpful. ( )10.How does the man most probably feel A.Surprised. B.Worried. C.Relaxed. 听下面一段独白,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 ( )11.Who is most probably giving the speech A.A teacher. B.A parent. C.A coach. ()12.How long is the trip A.Two days B.Three days C.Four days ()13.Where do they meet on Friday morning A.In the city park. B.At the school gate. C.In the parking lot ( )14.What activities can the kids do on the weekend A.Going boating B.Collecting food. C.Making kites. ()15.Why does the speaker give the speech to the kids A.To make them happy.B.To wake them up. C.To get them ready. I. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出填入 相应空白处的最佳选项。 I remember the year when I was seven years old.I 16a pretty hair clip(发夹)from a girl in my dance class.My 17 found the shiny clip was not bought by them.So they sat me down on the floor of our study and explained 18 what I had done was wrong.What a bad end I would come to if I became a thief—people would not trust me any more. More than thirty years on,the lesson has reminded me a lot.Ive never taken 19 that was not mine away.Once,I left a store wearing a pair of sunglasses I'd tried on and then I 20 gave it back.But that gave me the feeling of shame for months. Though my childhood memories are not - 21 ,such moments when my parents told me good values are always in my mind.They provided a standard of good _22_:to put myself in others 'shoes and to control my greed(贪欲). The social environment in the coming age _ 23 ... ...

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