
牛津译林版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit4Never too old to learn Reading单词用法学案(含答案)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:77次 大小:237679Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    XB4U4Never too old to learn 单词详解 1. auditory adj. 听的,听觉的eg./ Auditory learners learn best when information is presented in a verbal manner such as when the teacher talks to the class. 2. verbal adj. --verbally adv. 口头上 1)口头的eg./ a verbal agreement/warning 口头协议╱警告 2)言语的,文字的eg./ The job applicant must have good verbal skills. 语言表达技能 non-verbal communication 非语言交际 3. blank 1)adj. 空白的 eg./ When I drew a still life, it was impressed upon me that the blank spaces between the objects were just as vital to the success of the composition as the actual objects themselves. 2)n. 空白处,空白eg./ Please fill in the blanks . 请在空白处填写。 My mind was a blank and I couldn't remember her name. 我脑子里是一片空白… 4. composition n.1)(绘画、摄影的)构图【U】2)构成,成分【U】 eg./ the chemical composition of the soil 土壤的化学成分 3)(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品【C】eg./ one of Beethoven's finest compositions 4)作曲艺术;作曲;创作 compose v.1)组成,构成… (= make up) be composed of…= be made up of… 由..组成 eg./ Ten men compose the committee. = The committee is composed of ten men. 2)作曲,创作(音乐)3)撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等)eg./ She composed a letter of protest. 写抗议信 composer n. 作曲者,作曲家 5. educator n. 教育家;教育工作者 eg./ Also, as the great educator Confucius stated, “When you know a thing, to recognize that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to recognize that you do not know it—that is wisdom.”知之为知之,不知为不知 educate v. -- education n.教育(学)-- educational adj. 教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的 --educated adj. 受过良好教育的;有教养的 6. Confucius n. 孔子Confucianism n. 儒家;儒学Confucian 1)adj. 儒家的,儒学的,孔子学说的2)n. 儒家人士 7. be bound to do sth 一定会,很可能会 eg./ Furthermore, the production of knowledge is bound to grow rapidly. bound adj.1)一定会,很可能会be bound to do/to be… 肯定,一定会… eg./ It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow. It was bound to happen sooner or later. 2)有义务(做某事),受(法律、义务或情况)约束(必须做某事) be bound by sth 受…的约束 be bound by sth to do sth 受…的约束去做某事 Eg.You are bound by the contract to pay before the end of the month. 8. keep pace with sb/sth与…步调一致,与…并驾齐驱 eg./ New knowledge is constantly being generated and what you already know is being revised all the time, to the extent that it can be difficult to keep pace with the latest developments. 9. resolve 1)vt.&vi. ① 解决(= settle) eg./ Indeed, you may one day do jobs that do not yet exist, use technologies that are not yet developed and resolve problems that are not yet problems! resolve an issue/a dispute/a conflict/a crisis 解决问题╱争端╱冲突╱危机 resolve the differences解决分歧 ② 表决eg./ It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority. 经过表决决定 ③ 决心,决定resolve on (doing) sth// resolve to do sth eg./ He resolved not to tell her the truth. We had resolved on making an early start. 2)n. 决 ... ...

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