

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:99次 大小:280288Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 读后续写 和企鹅一起取暖啦讲义 When Mary entered the South Pole Penguin Research Lab, she saw her friend Tom gently stroking(轻抚) a penguin in his arms. As children of the lab scientists, Mary and Tom often observed the emperor penguins that were studied to understand how they adapted to extreme temperatures - insights that could aid human survival. “We're thirteen, Tom. It's time to grow up and stop playing with the lab penguins,” said Mary as she started cleaning. “They're research animals, not pets.” “But the birds listen to me!”insisted Tom,_____. “You're just trying to be a _____ again,”Mary replied, shaking her head with a gentle smile. The penguins seemed playful as they walked, dove, swam and chased their live fish for sport before eating. Suddenly, an alarm rang out and red lights flashed, signaling a problem. The kids rushed over to look into it. “It's colder than before - there's ice forming on the water,” noted Tom. Though always cold, Mary had never seen ice here before. She checked the habitat monitor his breath forming a cloud in the freezing air penguin whisperer and found that the temperature had gone down a lot. “The heater must be broken!” Mary quickly sent a message to their parents' research team, who were conducting outdoor studies. With the adults away, the kids would have to deal with the freezing conditions until help arrived. _____ as Mary and Tom anxiously waited. The increasing cold caused them to shake. “I wonder what emperor penguins do in extreme cold, since they stay in the Pole all winter instead of going somewhere warmer,” asked Mary. “They huddle (挤作),” Tom Time dragged answered. “_____ _____.” “What about the ones on the edge ” Mary asked. “T_____ _____. Scientists in the early 2lst century recorded it.” He replied as he stared at the large crowd of the penguins in the lab. 注意:1:续写词数应为150左右:2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 “I have an idea to stay warm!” Tom shouted excitedly. They huddle together tightly so that the birds in the middle will be warm enough hey push their way towards the center, and then move back out to the edge, and struggle back again Two and a half hours later, the parents returned with help. 名词解释【a penguin whisperer】"企鹅密语者"或"企鹅耳语者"。这是 一个非正式的、富有想象力的短语,可能用于描述一个与企鹅有特别 亲近关系的人,或者能够理解和解释企鹅行为的人。这个短语可能源 于"马耳语者"(horse whisperer),这个词用来描述那些能以非凡的方式 与马沟通的人。 0. 确定人称:第三人称 1. 梳理原文情节 -- Mary / Tom;企鹅;parents 2. 文章走向:没冻死!how?-- 原文 3. 构思情节 P1:“I have an idea to stay warm!” Tom shouted excitedly. ① 衔接1:什么 idea -- 学企鹅抱团取暖;Tom的动语皆可:示意Mary 使用此办法 ② Mary的反应:困惑怀疑 + 企鹅会鸟我们么? ③ Tom的反应:顾不上决定一试 or 很自信的回应+朝企鹅团去【回应 原文】 ④ 与企鹅互动:令他们超级惊讶的是,企鹅没有排斥他们跟他们抱作 一团。 ⑤ 衔接2:接下 ... ...

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