

日期:2024-06-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:75次 大小:281058Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2024年高考英语备考指南真题风向标 模拟好题手拉手:预防流感 全国各地优秀模拟题,拓展写作主题内容,积累相关词组搭配,不局 限于写作,同时能拓展相关主题的_____ ! 假定你是李华是学校的学生会主席,因近段时间许多学生感染流 感,请你给全校学生写一封倡议书, 呼吁大家积极参与运动,增强抵 抗力,要点如下: 1.倡议目的; 2.具体做法; 3.期待参与。 注意:1.写作词数应为80左右; 阅读词汇搭配知识面 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Boys and girls, _____ The Students' Union 高级词组搭配: 1. Epidemic prevention measures - 流感预防措施 2. Immunization campaign - 免疫接种运动 3. Respiratory hygiene practices - 呼吸道卫生习惯 4. Pandemic preparedness strategy - 流感大流行应对策略 5. Viral transmission prevention - 病毒传播预防 6. Antiviral medication regimen - 抗病毒药物疗程 7. Herd immunity development - 群体免疫建设 8. Hygienic practices promotion - 卫生习惯推广 9. Infectious disease containment efforts - 传染病防控工作 10. Vaccination coverage expansion - 疫苗接种覆盖范围扩大 11. Public health education initiatives - 公共卫生教育计划 12. Personal protective equipment distribution - 个人防护装备分发 13. Quarantine enforcement measures - 检疫执行措施 14. Symptomatic surveillance systems - 症状监测系统 15. Contact tracing methods - 联系追踪方法 16. Immunocompromised individuals protection - 免疫受损个体保护 17. Social distancing protocols - 社交距离协议 18. Respiratory etiquette guidelines - 呼吸道礼仪指南 19. Disease outbreak response plans - 疾病爆发应急预案 20. Healthcare system capacity enhancement - 医疗系统能力提升 模板套句: 开头: 1. In the face of the perennial threat posed by influenza, it becomes imperative to deploy comprehensive measures to safeguard public health.(在面对流感带来的长期威胁时,采取全面措施保障公共 健康显得至关重要。) 2. The advent of flu season invariably underscores the necessity for proactive strategies to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases.(流感季节的来临无疑强调了采取积极策略减轻传染病传播的 必要性。) 3. As the specter of a flu outbreak looms large, it behooves us to fortify our defenses through meticulous planning and swift action.(随着流感爆发的威胁日益临近,我们有必要通过细致的规划和 迅速的行动来加强我们的防御。) 中间行文: 1. Such measures necessitate not only widespread vaccination campaigns but also stringent enforcement of hygiene protocols. (这些措施不仅需要广泛的疫苗接种运动,还需要严格执行卫生规程。) 2. Concurrently, fostering public awareness regarding respiratory etiquette and personal hygiene practices is paramount in curbing transmission rates.(同时,提高公众对呼吸道礼仪和个人卫生习惯的意 识对于降低传播速率至关重要。) 3. Furthermore, investing in robust healthcare infrastructure and bolstering medical resources is indispensable for effective epidemic containment.(此外,投资强大的医疗基础设施并增加医疗资源对于有 效地控制疫情至关重要。) 结尾: 1. In conclusion, by adopting a multifaceted approach encompassing vaccination drives, hygiene advocacy, and ... ...

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