

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:71次 大小:258448Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    昆一中西山学校2024年春季学期期中考 高一英语 参考答案(评分标准) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 1-5 CCACB 6-10 BACAB 11-15 AACAB 16-20 ACAAB 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) A 21. C 根据题设中的关键词" Luoping county "定位至" Luoping county, Yunnan province "部 分,由该部分中的" Best viewing period: From February to March."可知,罗平油菜花最佳观赏时间是从二月至三月份。由此可见它的花是其他三个地方中开得最早的。故选C 项。 22. A 根据" Xinghua, Jiangsu province"部分中的" The Qianduo area attracts tourists who ride a boat to cruise through the flower sea and are intoxicated by fragrance of the flowers."可知,游客可以乘船赏花。 故选A项。 23. C根据文章的第一段" Here’s a list of some popular places to view rapeseed flowers(油菜花) across China. It’s time to start your spring journey!"部分中可知,这四个地方都是赏油菜花的地方。故选C项。 B 24. B 根据第二段中的"“Our curriculum is based on the needs of the individual children.” "可知,该学校的课程是依据学生的需求来设定的。故选B项。 25. C 根据文章第三段“It gives teachers the opportunity to decide what skills each child needs to learn, what interests them and how to teach them,”可知,老师可以有机会根据学生的需要选择教学生怎样的技能。故选C项。 26. C 根据第四段的内容There is a lot of work on creative thinking skills and making sure the children are prepared to be 21stcentury learners. Children in the school do not need to sit and memorize things; they are learning by doing. They are learning in an effective way. They are also learning to enjoy school。故选C项。 27. A本文主要讲述了Malvern School依据学生的需求设置课程并要求老师们依据灵活的课程要求决定授课内容和授课方式,以培养富有创造力的学生。故选A项。 C 28. D 根据第一段“Researchers recently discovered that mosquitoes who have their sleep interrupted would rather get rest than go looking for their next meal.”睡不够的蚊子比起吃东西,它更愿意睡觉。故选D项。 29. B根据第二段 " It was particularly challenging because of something researchers call the “observer effect”. This is when the act of just observing something can change its outcome. In the case of mosquitoes, they’re able to sense that people are nearby due to their body heat, movement, smells and breath."可知如何避免观察者影响到蚊子是整个实验过程中最困难的部分。故选B项。 30. B根据第三段" Then, researchers moved their sound equipment regularly at night or during the day to subject them to sleep deprivation. "可知研究者通过移动音响的位置来打扰蚊子的睡眠,以此来观察蚊子的行为。可知,本段主要讲述的是实验的过程。故选B项。 31. C根据文章最后一段“Mosquitoes can spread serious diseases to humans. By understanding the sleep rhythms of insects, researchers hope to find new methods to prevent the spread of infections.”可知答案为C项。 D 32. C 根据原文P2中It helps people around the house. It uses artificial intelligence (Al). AI is when a computer can learn from experience. It can do things that need usually human intelligence. The robot controls household appliances. It keeps an eye on pets. It even pa ... ...

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