
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A Grammar focus 4a~4b教学设计(表格式)2023-2024学年人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:90次 大小:26650Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 九年级 学期 (春季) 课题 Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.(Section A Grammar focus 4a—4b) 教科书 书 名:人教版Go for it教材 -出卷网-:人民教育-出卷网- 教学目标 1. 掌握本课时中出现的词汇,短语和句型表达,并能熟练运用。。 2. 能够运用不同的形容词表达不同的感受。 3. 掌握使役动词 “make sb.+adj.”and“make sb.+do sth.”的用法。 4. 能够运用目标语言来描述事情对自己的影响,能正确表达自己的感情。 5. 能够调整自己的心态,保持积极的心态去面对生活。 教学内容 教学重点: 1. 掌握本课时中出现的词汇,短语和句型表达,并能熟练运用。。 2. 能够运用不同的形容词表达不同的感受。 3. 掌握使役动词 “make sb.+adj.”and “make sb.+do sth.”的用法。 教学难点: 1. 掌握和运用make的使动用法来描述事情对自己的影响,能正确表达自己的感情。 2. 能够调整自己的心态,保持积极的心态去面对生活。 教学过程 【课堂导入】 Step 1 Warming-up 1.The teacher describe her own feelings: Having English class with you makes me excited. And being friends with you makes me feel happy. But speaking in front of you makes me a little nervous. 【设计意图】创设情境,从教师当前的真实情境自然引出本课时的目标语言,简洁明了,使学生能在最真实的环境中学习感知语言的运用。 Step 2 Presentation 1.Let’s enjoy different kinds of music and talk about how it makes them feel. The soft music makes me sleepy/... The rock music makes me excited./... 2.Ask Ss to read the sentences and find out the usage of “make sb. +adj.” first. 【设计意图】通过欣赏不同类型的音乐,让学生自由谈论音乐带给他们的感受,再通过观察句子的构成,引导学生总结和归纳出本单元需要掌握的make作为使役动词的用法,培养学生的逻辑思维能力,提升自我学习能力。 Step 3 Brainstorm 1.Ask Ss to come up with more adjectives about feelings. “Positive feelings” like happy, glad, pleased,excited, relaxed, surprised, comfortable and so on. “Negative feelings ” like sad, upset, bored, scared, angry, nervous, worried, anxious,uncomfortable and so on. 2.Use “make sb. +adj.” to describe their feelings. How does it make you feel when you ... -It makes me happy/surprised... 【设计意图】通过思维风暴,激活学生原有知识,回顾表达情感的形容词,再从词到句引导学生运用 “make sb. +adj.” 来表达事物对自己的影响,进一步巩固所学语法内容。 Step 4 Learn and practice. 1.Ask Ss to read other sentences and find out the usage of “make sb. +do sth.” . 2.Ask Ss to complete the sentences in the Grammar focus. The loud music makes me nervous. Soft and quiet music makes me relax. Money and fame don’t always make people happy. She said that the sad movie made her cry. 3. look at these people, How do the things make them feel Ask Ss to make more sentences with “make sb. +adj. ” or “make sb. do sth.”. The beautiful beach makes them comfortable. The beautiful beach makes them feel happy. The blue sea makes them want to swim. ... 【设计意图】通过分析句型,引导学生归纳 “make sb. do sth.”的使役用法,并通过填写句子到根据图片自己编写句子,以不同的形式,从易到难,通过练习再次巩固运用make的使动用法来描述事情对自己的影响。 Step 5 Read and write 1.Look at a pic ... ...

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