
山东省临沂市临沭县2023-2024学年三年级下学期期中英语试题(图片版 无答案,无听力原文及听力音频)

日期:2024-05-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:434038Byte 来源:二一课件通
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学校 班级 姓名 准考证号 座位号 密封 线内 不 答 题 等 5.Look at that (giraffe ostrich )it's so tall. 4.Is this your brother sister ) 3.Who's that man woman) 2.This is Amy.She's a(student 1·HH:.(合1 1 1... c(a e)t s(i H 中:0海舍 0)X teacher China Listening part (70) 场此:100场 510次) 2022-2024华生二华热政原众量源所头 发10%) e)n ++ 2021k41 )Hi,Amy. )hair(k烧)。sh 197). )Hi,Mr Jones. )I'm from the UK. )Mr Jones,this is Amy.She's a new student )Where are you from She is from the UK the USA).She has (long a new friend pupil),her name is Amy.She is a boy I'm Wu Binbin.I'm from(China Canada).I have (big small)eyes. I have a cat.She is my pet.She is big .)%02。度用务防们充限以压明话动w出po )5.A.Is she your mother )4.A.Who's that man a brother sister),his name is Sam.He is a boy girl). )3.A.Where are you from )2.A.This is my grandfather. )1.A.It's small and thin. I'm Sarah.I'm from the UK the USA).I have B.Is he your father B.Who's that woman B.What's your name B.This is my grandmother B.It's short and fat small ).She has ·)场0·用防配世带读千身不4七t ++ 5.It's big.It has a long nose 2.He is a student giraffe Make your arms long 1.The woman is my mother. 减税5C30%)w 四 持)0。理接装出全0书。粉热冷在卡给术给善B:e1平。 grandmother fathermother [ucy baby sister 2.Who are they cat grandfather brother 1.How do you think of Jucy's family big small small mouth.This is my baby sister,she's cute. little cat and me.This is my mother.She is a techer,She has big eyes and a grandparents,my parents,my brother,my brother,my baby sister,my Hello,I'm Jucy.I have a happy family.In my family,I have my brown.I have long teeth() bird.I can fly. Hello,children.I'm your friend,Beavers.I'm from Canada.I'm have a long tail.I have a pocket().I can hop and hop. Hello,children.I'm your friend,Kangaro.I'm from Australia.I Hello,children.I'm your friend,Eagle.I'm from.the USA.I'm a Hello,children.I'm Panda.I'm from China.I'm fat,but I'm cute. 0e..国A量0a·1o论) 密 线 内 答 题

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